The University of New Hampshire is home to several instrumental and vocal performing ensembles, which are open to both Music majors and non-majors.

Chamber Ensembles
Chamber Ensembles of various instrumental groupings (i.e., brass quintet, woodwind quintet, string quartet and jazz combos) are available with permission. Coached by faculty, these non-conducted ensembles promote a high level of musical independence and non-verbal, musical communication skills among its members.

Symphony Orchestra
The University Symphony Orchestra is an ensemble comprised of both undergraduate and graduate students that performs at least 2-3 concerts per semester. It is open to any student at the university by audition. Non-majors are particularly welcome to join!
The UNHSO is a full symphony orchestra that plays pieces from all eras and styles of the repertoire, from Baroque masters to new compositions. The orchestra is led by Dr. David Upham. Rehearsals are held in the Paul Creative Arts Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:10-12:30. String players have an additional rehearsal on Monday evenings from 8:10-9:30 pm.

UNH Athletic Bands
The University of New Hampshire Wildcat Marching Band, or "WMB," has a tradition of being one of the most spirited organizations on campus. Made up of students from the entire campus, with majors ranging from music education and performance to mechanical engineering and equine science, the WMB performs at all home football games and several other regional exhibitions and parades. Membership in the WMB is open to ALL students regardless of experience level. In fact, a majority of the band members are non-music majors and the band's GPA is consistently above the university average.

Jazz Bands and Combos
The University of New Hampshire has two auditioned jazz bands. Any UNH student is welcome to audition. The jazz bands perform a wide spectrum of big band music and often have opportunities to play with professional jazz musicians. Motivated students may also participate in one of several small jazz combos.

Vocal Ensembles
The Concert Choir is a large, un-auditioned, SATB chorus specializing in the performance of choral art-song, masterworks, and symphonic choral repertoire. Open to all students. May be repeated for a maximum of 8 credits. This choir performs four programs annually and rehearses Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4:10 – 5:30 PM.
Chamber Singers is a small auditioned SATB chorus specializing in unaccompanied choral repertoire. Choral experience and strong skills in sight-singing and musicianship are recommended. This group performs many outreach concerts in addition to four standard programs annually.

Concert Ensembles
These concert ensembles play a variety of classic and contemporary wind literature. The Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band are open by audition for acceptance. Auditions are held the first week of classes in the fall. Required excerpts for Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band can be found here.