FAQs about Careers in COLA

We asked four young alumni to answer questions that students frequently ask as they prepare for their own success beyond UNH. Meet the four Wildcats who answered the call:

  • Ashley Desrochers ‘15 (psychology and women’s studies majors), Young Adult Prevention Coordinator at Goodwin Community Health
  • Luisiana Cruz ‘10 (theatre and communication majors), Recruiting Leader at AQUENT
  • Brennan Williams ‘19 (anthropology major), Market Research Analyst at databahn
  • Krystal Hicks ‘07 (English/journalism major), Founder and Career Strategist at JOBTALK

Each video below contains answers from several alumni, so be sure to keep watching!

Take us through your own career journey. How did you get from UNH graduation to your current role?


What advice would you give to students when it comes to picking a major and the impact on their career paths?


What are two skills you use in the workplace that you credit to your liberal arts experience?


Can you name a COLA class or professor that made a lasting impact on the workplace success you are achieving at present. How/why?


Liberal arts majors go on to successful careers in a range of fields including finance, tech startups, government, journalism and education, just to name a few. What advice do you have for parents that are concerned about their student’s job prospects by majoring in the liberal arts.