Major Requirement Variance Petition

05.31(fs) Waiver of requirements in a prescribed curriculum. The require­ment of a given course in any prescribed curriculum may be waived by the faculty of the student’s college. The student’s petition must be approved by his or her major adviser and the dean of his or her college.


  1. Advisor completes and submits the form below
  2. Department Chair/Program Coordinator receives the completed form via email and reviews. If approved, Chair/Coordinator forwards to the Dean's Office at with approval noted.
  3. Dean’s Office reviews and forwards to the Registrar’s Office, which signifies final approval.
  4. Registrar’s Office updates Degree Works Audit.
Student Information
Submission Information
Variance Information
For transfer courses only: Can this course be used for all students in this major?
Do you have another variance for this student?
Variance 2
For transfer courses only: Can this course be used for all students in this major?
Do you have another variance for this student?
Variance 3
For transfer courses only: Can this course be used for all students in this major?
Do you have another variance for this student?
Variance 4
For transfer courses only: Can this course be used for all students in this major?
Department Approver
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