Programs of Study
Why get an education specialist’s degree in administration and supervision?
The education specialist program is designed for educators who have a master's degree in educational administration or its equivalent. For those who meet the NH Department of Education requirements (including experience and a valid background check), this program can prepare students for superintendent certification. Principal certification is also possible for those students that fulfill all course requirements (including prerequisite requirements) for the principal track, and who meet all NH Department of…
What is Africana and African American studies?
The Africana and African American studies minor program (AFAM) is the critical program at UNH for coursework, research and engagement with peoples of African descent. You’ll focus on the complex, multidimensional relationships among communities of Africa and its Diaspora, including the histories, cultures and issues of concern for these communities in the United States, and the diverse meanings and power of Blackness globally. You’ll explore these topics from interdisciplinary and global perspectives, meaning we’ll bring together insights and…
What is American studies?
The American studies minor is the interdisciplinary study of the traditions, institutions, history and culture of the United States in all its varied aspects. You’ll explore historical periods, art, politics, religion, popular culture,mass media and other features of American life. You’ll be able to focus on a historical period or a topic such as race, ethnicity, gender or class, as well as regional studies,or urban and rural environments. Students can use a minor in American studies to enhance their opportunities for careers in communication, law or sociology, or…
What is anthropology?
What does it mean to be human? That’s the question you’ll answer while pursuing a minor in anthropology. You’ll study human beings and past and present societies throughout the world. You’ll gain a broad overview of diverse peoples and cultures and acquire critical thinking skills that can be applied to your other areas of study and the world around you, preparing you for today’s increasingly globalized world and job market.
Why study anthropology at UNH?
You can take hands-on courses in archaeology and socio-cultural, applied, medical, biological and forensic…
What is anthropology?
What does it mean to be human? That’s the question you’ll try to answer while pursuing a degree in anthropology. You’ll study human beings and past and present societies throughout the world. You’ll gain a broad overview of diverse peoples and cultures and acquire critical thinking skills, preparing you for today’s increasingly globalized world and job market.
Why study anthropology at UNH?
You can take hands-on courses in archaeology and socio-cultural, applied, medical, biological and forensic anthropology, and work with faculty on academic and applied research…
What is Arabic?
In the Arabic minor, you’ll learn the language spoken by over 400 million people worldwide, extending well beyond the Middle East. You’ll prepare yourself to thrive in a global community by learning to speak, read and write this critical language, while also learning important cultural information that will help you navigate Arabic-speaking communities. Arabic is a perfect complement to majors in business, education, healthcare, history, political science, international affairs, sociology, social work and many others. Develop a skill that will help you stand out as you pursue…
What is architectural studies?
The architectural studies minor provides students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the history, theory and methods of architecture and its symbolism. You can study hands-on disciplines, including graphic design, woodworking and sculpture;architectural history from Greek and Roman times up to the 20th century; and modern building and construction methods, including 2D computer design and green building design. The program is designed for students who are thinking about enrolling at a school of architecture, are interested in architectural history, want…
What is art?
Combine your interest in fine arts and art history through the art minor at UNH. You’ll gain studio experience in drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, printmaking or woodworking while also receiving an introduction to art history. Combine a minor in art with a major in history or the classics to prepare for careers in the arts or further study in graduate programs as varied as architecture, business and law.
Why study art at UNH?
With the UNH Museum of Art and Paul Creative Arts Center right on campus, the culturally rich community of Portsmouth just minutes away…
What is art history?
How do we define and value beauty? What is the role of the visual in the human experience? Art history is the study of art through the ages, and in this interdisciplinary minor you’ll learn to research, interpret and analyze art within broader cultural and historical perspectives. You’ll be introduced to the study of Western art from the ancient world to the present and will be exposed to non-Western cultures and artistic traditions. Combine this minor with a major in studio art, history, the classics or the humanities to prepare for careers or further study in fields…
What is art history, design and computer sciences?
In this program, you’ll develop basic skills in art history and design as well as computer programming and then apply those skills to projects related to museum collections management and visitor experience, research projects, website design for cultural institutions, or art market intelligence and data transparency. You’ll combine your learning in creative ways and with emerging technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, 3D modelling and more traditional website design. You’ll learn how emerging technologies can come together…
What is arts administration?
The arts administration minor is designed to develop the skillset necessary for work in the diverse field of arts management and arts entrepreneurship. You’ll gain experience in accounting, marketing and business administration and other critical areas that help prepare students for careers in the nonprofit and for-profit arts sectors. The knowledge acquired in this minor is also designed to be applied to the development, funding,marketing and management of projects created by fine and performing artists.
Why study arts administration at UNH?
The award-winning…
What is art history?
How do we define and value beauty? What is the role of the visual in the human experience? Art history is the study of art through the ages, and in this degree program you’ll learn to research, interpret and analyze art within broader cultural and historical perspectives. You’ll undertake a comprehensive, in-depth study of Western art from the ancient world to the present, and also be exposed to non-Western cultures and artistic traditions. Our graduates are well prepared for careers within the arts, as well as further study in fields such as architecture, business or…
What is studio art?
Immerse yourself in the fine arts through the studio art major at UNH. You’ll have the opportunity to develop your skills practicing two- and three-dimensional art forms that range from drawing, painting and photography to ceramics, sculpture and furniture design. You’ll gain a wide breadth of studio experience while also studying art history, writing and language to build a solid foundation in the liberal arts. With a degree in studio art, you’ll be prepared for careers in the arts or further study in graduate programs as varied as architecture, business and law.
What is studio art/art education?
If you’re interested in teaching art, our degree with the option in studio art/art education will prepare you for a career as an art educator in public schools. In the first four years, you’ll immerse yourself in the studio art program, earning a bachelor’s degree while gaining broad experience working with diverse media. You’ll have the opportunity to study art forms such as drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture and woodcraft. A fifth-year internship satisfies the initial certification requirements for teachers of art in public…
What is Asian studies?
The Asian studies minor will provide you with an interdisciplinary introduction to the languages, geographies, histories, politics, literatures, cultures and religions of East and South Asia. You’ll also explore contemporary topics and the interaction between Asian countries and the rest of the world. An understanding of Asian history and culture can be useful in various careers such as advertising, business, education, government, health, law and marketing. Combine this minor with a range of studies to prepare for your future career or graduate studies.
Why study…
What is Chinese?
In the Chinese minor, you’ll gain linguistic skills and a deeper understanding of Chinese literature and culture that will complement your studies in a wide variety of disciplines and fields within the arts, humanities and social sciences, or in business, health and human services, or life sciences. Students from a range of different majors find a minor in Chinese useful in their future domestic or international careers.
Why study Chinese at UNH?
While studying Chinese at UNH, you’ll work closely with dedicated and caring faculty who will get to know you well. At the same…
What is cinema studies?
The interdisciplinary cinema studies minor provides students with an introduction to the history, theory, analysis and aesthetics of the moving image. The study of film extends to the analysis of video and television from varying perspectives, including genre, authorship, culture, ideology and style. Combine the minor in cinema studies with a major in English, journalism, history or theatre, or with disciplines across the university such as business, health sciences, engineering or economics. In combination with advanced studies at a film school, the minor could even…
What is classics?
In the classics minor, you’ll explore the fundamental questions of human life and the answers provided by thinkers, artists and writers from the ancient world. You’ll study topics including ancient Greek and Roman history, philosophy, language, mythology, politics and culture. The minor in classics provides an excellent liberal arts foundation, and when you combine it with a major in history, literature, political science or the humanities, you’ll be well-prepared for work or further studies in fields such as business, communications, law or medical school.
Why study…
What is the study of ancient Mediterranean civilizations?
In studying the classics, you’ll explore fundamental questions of human life and discover how these have been answered by thinkers, artists and writers from the ancient world. You’ll study topics including ancient Greek and Roman history, language, mythology, politics and culture. The flexibility of the ancient Mediterranean civilizations degree option provides the opportunity to take courses covering neighboring populations in Europe, North Africa and the Near East. The program is well-suited for students wishing to pursue a double…
What is the study of classical languages and literatures?
In choosing the classical languages and literatures degree option, you’ll study ancient Greek and Roman history, philosophy and language, exploring the cultural foundations of Western civilization. This option includes language requirements in Greek and Latin, preparing you for graduate studies in the classics or teaching Latin at the secondary school level. Classical studies provide an excellent liberal arts foundation and you also will be well prepared for work or further studies in fields such as business, communications, law and…
What is the study of Latin and Latin teaching?
In the Latin and Latin teaching degree option, you’ll study Latin and the civilization, culture and mythology of the Roman world. The program provides the foundation for a career teaching Latin in secondary school. You may pursue a fifth-year of internship and study through the UNH Department of Education in order to prepare to meet teaching certification requirements in New Hampshire and many other states.
Why study Latin and Latin teaching at UNH?
In addition to an excellent foundation in the liberal arts, the Latin and Latin teaching degree…
What is communication?
Communication is the study of efforts to create, share and control meaning. Communication occurs in face-to-face contexts, via speech and the body, and through technologies as old as writing and as new as social media. In the communication minor, you’ll explore the role of communication in relationships between people, cultures, industries and technologies. Our goal is to help you become a critically-engaged citizen and skilled communicator prepared for work in a wide variety of fields, from business and marketing to community organizing and government.
Why study…
What is communication?
Communication is the study of efforts to create, share and control meaning. Communication occurs in face-to-face contexts, via speech and the body, and through technologies as old as writing and as new as social media. In this degree program, students explore the role of communication in relationships between people, cultures, industries and technologies. Through courses in rhetoric, media studies, and language and social interaction, students learn how different modes of communication shape understanding and social relations. Our goal is to help you become a…
What is the business applications option in communication?
If you enjoy connecting with other people and are considering a career in marketing, advertising or business management, our business applications option within the communication degree program will give you a head start. The program is offered in collaboration with UNH’s Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics, allowing you to enhance your liberal arts education with professional training in your field of interest. You’ll have the opportunity to take courses in areas such as marketing, organizational behavior, leadership,…
What is the media practices option in communication?
Whether you’re interested in radio broadcasting, videography, vlogging, documentary production, screenwriting or social media influencing, the media practices option in the communication degree program will give you the experience and hands-on training to succeed. You’ll learn about mass media and new digital media technologies, and establish a foundation in digital, film and audio media production. Then you’ll gain field experience in an area of your choosing, such as media production, digital marketing and broadcasting, through a…
What is a Bachelor of Music in composition?
If you dream of writing inspiring music for bands, orchestras, choirs, films, video games or innovative chamber ensembles, then the Bachelor of Music in composition is for you. The music composition degree program at UNH builds on a core set of classes in music theory, analysis and history, and places heavy emphasis on composition and continuing to develop your skills as a performer. The major is recommended for students considering a professional career in composition or graduate study leading to an advanced degree.
Why study composition at UNH?…
Why get a graduate certificate in curriculum and instructional leadership?
The graduate certificate in curriculum and instructional leadership will provide you with the tools to plan, develop, implement and lead educational programs that meet the diverse learning needs of students. Designed for experienced teachers, the program focuses on curriculum, supervision, instruction and data analysis. You’ll learn to develop innovative curricula for schools and districts from a global, multicultural perspective. You’ll also explore supervisory and instructional practices, including assessment,…
What is dance?
Studying dance as a minor within the theatre degree program at UNH opens your options for pursuing a career in dance or a related field. You’ll take classes in the history of dance, dance composition, choreography and performance, learning techniques in jazz, ballet, tap and even aerial dance. Combine this minor with any major at UNH to enhance your career opportunities in areas such as theatre, education and music.
Why study dance at UNH?
In addition to our award-winning faculty, the UNH Department of Theatre and Dance offers more than 25 performance opportunities every year…
What is design studies?
In the interdisciplinary design studies minor, you’ll apply design principles to visual expressions in the fine, commercial, industrial and performing arts. The minor is part of the studio arts program at UNH. In your coursework, you’ll receive an introduction to design as a discipline and learn how it is applied in the visual arts, theatre, film, architecture and on the internet. You’ll receive hands-on training in a range of design software programs. Combine this minor with a major such as English, theatre or communication to enhance your career opportunities.
What is digital writing and literature?
The digital writing and literature cognate will introduce you to the reading and writing skills necessary to succeed in the modern digital workplace. You’ll have the opportunity to focus on areas such as creative storytelling, business writing, digital reporting or teaching, and you’ll become adept at communicating in a variety of digital platforms. Combine this cognate with a major in business, science or the liberal arts to improve your skills in critical thinking, analysis and communication.
Why study digital writing and literature at UNH?
Why get an early childhood education M.Ed. with a special needs option?
The early years are critical for nurturing young children who are at risk for or have developmental difficulties and special needs. In the special needs option within our master’s degree in early childhood education, you’ll learn about the diverse backgrounds and development of young children, constructing appropriate learning environments and curricula. You’ll study the role of the family, community and social policy in early development and intervention, and learn how to take a noncategorical approach to assessment and…
What is the education degree?
The four-year Education major is designed for students who seek a rich understanding of education grounded in science, the arts and the humanities. The Education major offers opportunities to integrate knowledge and research methodologies from several academic disciplines and clinical sites into a focused examination of the interdisciplinary field of education.
Why study education at UNH?
Graduates of this program are civically, globally and intellectually engaged students who understand the complexities of education, are capable of analyzing and evaluating…
What is education?
If you’d like to develop an understanding of the educational process and tools, the education minor is a great way to combine your interest with your major course of study. You’ll learn about the education system and current perspectives in education. In this highly flexible program, you’ll choose electives in areas ranging from teaching methods to language and literacy to special education.
Why study education at UNH?
As a major research university, we place emphasis on hands-on learning and research with faculty, giving you valuable experience that will be relevant both…
Why pursue a Ph.D. in education at UNH?
The Ph.D. in Education program is designed to prepare you to conduct research and make scientific and theory-based contributions to the field of education, including formal educational settings such as schools and classrooms and informal settings for learning such as family and community activities outside of schools. Through scholarly inquiry grounded in the reality of educational practice across varied settings, you will examine educational issues in philosophical, sociocultural, and policy-related contexts, which can build a foundation for a variety…
What are the four-year undergraduate education options?
The four-year education degree options are for students interested in obtaining teaching credentials in four years in early childhood education, health and physical education, mathematics, music, theatre or dance. You’ll pursue a bachelor’s degree (B.S., B.A. or B.M.) in your chosen field while also studying human development and learning, contemporary educational perspectives, and classroom management. Completing the program’s student-teaching requirement will qualify you for undergraduate licensure in your area of specialization.
What is the educational studies dual major?
The dual major in educational studies program is designed for students who are interested in an education that integrates fieldwork and research in a range of educational settings, including classrooms, museums and nonprofits, whether they aspire to become educators, activists or policymakers or deepen their knowledge of education as informed citizens.
Why study educational studies at UNH?
As a major research university, we place a strong emphasis on studies and research with faculty, giving you valuable experiences that will be relevant both…
Why get a Master of Education degree in Educational Studies?
The M.Ed. in Educational Studies is designed for educators working in both school and non-school settings who wish to expand their knowledge, improve their educational practice, and positively impact the educational settings they are engaged with. It provides a foundation for education in a variety of settings, including public and private schools, afterschool settings and informal learning settings such as museums and camps, business, educational and research centers, and national and state agencies. You’ll analyze current…
Why get an M.Ed. in elementary education?
With a Master of Education in elementary education, you’ll gain the knowledge, experience and skills to teach effectively in today’s classrooms and communities. Subject matter, research, theory and field-based experience will help you teach with confidence. Learn to foster caring, cooperation and improvement with internships available in culturally, linguistically and socioeconomically diverse urban and rural schools. We focus our teacher education program on preparing teacher-leaders ̶ not only excellent practitioners, but teachers who work…
What is English?
You love reading novels, you love to write, or you’re fascinated with the origins of the English language. These are all good reasons to pursue a degree in English, which will give you broad exposure to the history and literature of the English language, while you also learn critical thinking skills and how to write clearly and persuasively. English majors are experts in the art and science of words, allowing you to expand your imaginative potential and solve real-world problems.
Why study English at UNH?
The English program at UNH offers a great deal of flexibility. After…
Why get an M.S.T. degree in English?
The Master of Science for Teachers is a degree designed specifically for practicing English teachers who want to deepen their knowledge of literature and develop their own skills in reading and writing. This program is based on the belief that pedagogy emerges out of firsthand experience in the processes of reading and writing. This program is designed for practicing elementary, middle and high school teachers and is not appropriate for individuals seeking state certification.
Why choose UNH for your English degree?
Our English department offers special…
What is English?
The English minor will introduce you to the history and literature of the English language,while you also learn critical thinking skills and how to write clearly and persuasively. You’ll learn the art and science of words, allowing you to expand your imaginative potential and solve real-world problems.Combine a minor in English with any other major to improve your critical thinking, communication, writing and research skills.
Why study English at UNH?
The English minor at UNH offers a great deal of flexibility. You’ll be able to focus your studies on literature;writing,…
Why pursue a Ph.D. in English at UNH?
The English Ph.D. program is designed to prepare you for roles in teaching and scholarship in the fields of literature and language. We offer two concentrations: literature and composition studies. In the literature program, you’ll develop your competency in literary study while focusing on a specific area of interest. In the composition studies program, you’ll focus on composition studies and a secondary area of specialization, such as literature, critical theory or linguistics. With small classes and a supportive environment that is keenly focused on…
What is English literature?
English literature is the study of literature written in the English language. In this degree program, you’ll become a skilled reader and interpreter of literary works, films, media creations and cultural phenomena. Understanding literature is multidimensional, and includes the consideration of the artistic, historical, cultural and theoretical contexts that inform imaginative creations. The literature major is especially well suited for students interested in graduate studies in English or law school, but it is also an excellent program for those who want to…
What is the text, business writing and digital Studies degree option?
The text, business writing and digital studies option within the English degree program will give you the professional and critical skills to succeed in the modern workplace. You’ll have the opportunity to study areas including social media, business writing genres, digital storytelling and web design. You’ll also become skilled in critical thinking, analysis and communication.
Why study text, business writing and digital Studies at UNH?
This new UNH program helps meet employer demand for workers with wide-ranging and…
What is the English/Law 3+3 option?
If you’re interested in law school, our English/Law 3+3 degree program offers the possibility of earning both a bachelor's degree and a law degree in six–rather than seven–years of study. After completing three years as an undergraduate and gaining admission to UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law through the approved process, you will become a full-time first-year law student. After your first year of law study, the credits you earn will count toward the J.D. degree and as credits sufficient to complete UNH's requirements for the bachelor's degree.
What is English teaching?
Do you enjoy working with young adults? Do you love to share your enthusiasm for literature? Do you like to help others with their writing? If so, consider becoming an English teacher. This program will prepare you to teach middle- or high-school level English. You’ll study English literature and grammar, human development and learning, the education system and teaching practices. In your senior year, you’ll be able to apply for a fifth year of study and internship to fulfill New Hampshire’s teaching certification requirements.
Why study English teaching at UNH?
What is journalism?
Our democracy depends on journalists who can cut through the noise and find the information upon which the public relies. Journalists are trained to report deeply, behave ethically, and write clearly and compellingly. News platforms, both print and digital, are changing rapidly, yet the heart of journalism — fact gathering, observing, writing and editing — remains the same, whether you’re composing a multimedia slideshow or a page-one feature. The UNH journalism program teaches you to ask questions that elicit significant answers, to simplify the complicated and to use…
Why get a master’s degree in English studies?
Our M.A. in English studies degree program offers you the opportunity to develop expertise in all forms of the English language — spoken, written and digital. You’ll work in a supportive community to hone skills in research, critical thinking and persuasive writing — skills that will serve you well in your professional life, including further study for a Ph.D. if that is your goal. You’ll explore the diverse world of texts in their historical, national and global contexts, and develop your understanding of literature’s formal dynamics, and…
Why get a master’s degree in English language and linguistics?
Our M.A. in language and linguistics offers you the opportunity to explore all facets of the study of human language. You will build a background in core areas like phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, but also have the chance to delve deeply into such areas as sociolinguistics, neurolinguistics, language contact and bilingualism, language and gender, and history of the English language. You can also specialize in applied linguistics and learn about theory, methods, curriculum design, and assessment in TESOL (…
Why get a graduate certificate in feminist studies?
The interdisciplinary feminist studies graduate certificate is designed for professionals and graduate students in other disciplines at UNH to pursue feminist scholarship and bring a feminist perspective to bear on research in their own field. You’ll be introduced to major conversations and methodologies in feminist theory, and you’ll discuss gender in relation to sexuality, race, class, nation, disability and religion.You’ll have the opportunity to study and conduct research in areas that support your own interests and career goals, such…
What is fine arts?
Whether you plan to work as an artist or pursue graduate studies, our fine arts degree will prepare you with a solid foundation in art history and studio art. Students admitted to the studio arts program may submit a portfolio of work to be considered for the B.F.A. Through your studies, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a broad array of media, with access to facilities including our sculpture, ceramics, and woodworking and furniture design studios.
Why study fine arts at UNH?
You’ll develop and refine your creative vision while in the fine arts degree program at…
What is forensics?
The forensics minor provides an introduction to both science and criminal justice. You’ll explore forensic science, anthropology and psychology, as well as the scientific study of crime, criminal behavior, homicide and crime control. You’ll also have a chance to learn about the field of high-tech and digital crime. The forensics minor can be combined with the justice studies dual major, justice studies minor,or other majors such as biology, chemistry, psychology or English, preparing you for your future career or graduate studies.
Why study forensics at UNH?
As a student…
What is French?
The French minor lets you gain a command of the language while exploring French and Francophone literature, film and other cultural productions. You’ll learn about historical and contemporary civilization in a number of French-speaking countries, acquiring a deeper understanding of French heritage and the cultures that make up the Francophone world. Students from a wide variety of majors in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, health and human services, and life sciences find that the skills and content knowledge developed through completing a minor in French…
What is French?
French is the official language in 33 countries spread over five continents. While studying for your degree in French, you will gain fluency by learning the language and open your horizons by exploring French and Francophone literature, films and other cultural productions. You will learn about historical and contemporary civilization in a number of French-speaking countries, acquiring a deeper understanding of French heritage and the variety of cultures that make up the Francophone world.
Why study French at UNH?
As a French major at UNH, you will work closely with dedicated…
What is geography?
Are you curious about the world? Do you want to make a difference? The geography major links local to global perspectives and environmental and social sciences. We study relationships between environments and people, exploring the form, function and perceptions of places and spaces and how they interact and change. Geographic insights are fundamental to solving major challenges of our time, including climate change, environmental hazards, social justice, political conflict, public health, globalization, sustainability, and urban and rural development.Wherever you want to…
What is geography?
If you’re interested in understanding the world, the geography minor may be for you. Geography provides a framework for comprehending the world and a universal language to communicate knowledge and perspective that is useful in almost every field of study. Geography studies the relationships between environments and human activity, using technology to explore the form, function and perceptions of places and spaces and how they interact and change. Combine the minor with a major such as communication, economics, information technology, sociology or environmental studies to…
What is German?
If you’re interested in the German language, literature and culture orintend to pursue a career where a background in foreign languages and culture would be useful, the German minor is for you. German is the most widely spoken language in Europe, and Germany plays a significant role in the global economy, making this minor program well suited to a variety of national and international careers.
Why study German at UNH?
You’ll gain a solid foundation in the German language while also studying aspects of the political, social and cultural life of Germany, Austria and Switzerland…
What is German?
If you’re interested in the German language, literature or culture, intend to pursue a career where a background in foreign languages and culture would be useful, or are considering teaching German at the secondary-school level, the German degree program is for you. German is the most widely spoken language in Europe, and Germany plays a significant role in the global economy, making this degree program well suited to a variety of careers nationally and internationally.
Why study German at UNH?
You’ll gain a solid foundation in the German language while also studying aspects…
What is Global Studies?
The most pressing matters of our time —migration, climate change, violent conflict, human rights, economic globalization, health pandemics—transcend national boundaries and require a global response. The global studies minor introduces you to these worldwide challenges through rigorous interdisciplinary coursework, language studies and a rich international experience. Combine this minor with other majors at UNH and graduate as a critically minded global citizen and responsible global citizen ready to meaningfully contribute to the world.
Why study Global Studies at…
What is Global Studies?
The most pressing matters of our time —migration, climate change, violent conflict, human rights, economic globalization, health pandemics—transcend national boundaries and require a global response. The global studies degree program will equip you to take on these worldwide challenges through rigorous interdisciplinary coursework, language studies and a rich international experience. Combine the dual major with another major at UNH and graduate as a critically minded and responsible global citizen ready to contribute meaningfully to the world.
Why study Global…
What is Greek?
Explore the cultural foundations of Western civilization in the Greek minor, studying ancient and modern Greek and Greek history, literature, philosophy and religion. The minor compliments studies in areas such as business, classics, history, the humanities, philosophy or international affairs, and will help you prepare for a career at home or abroad, or for graduate studies.
Why study Greek at UNH?
As a student of Greek, you’ll have the opportunity to take interdisciplinary courses in areas such as archaeology, ancient philosophy, history and linguistics. The UNH-in-Greece…
What is the study of history?
Are you fascinated with how things used to be and what that means for us now? History is the study of the past and how that knowledge can inform the present and the future. This is a broad degree program, allowing you to focus on a particular country, region, time period or aspect of human culture that interests you, such as religion, science or cultural movements. You’ll develop the skills in critical reading and writing that form the basis of a solid liberal arts education and prepare you for a wide range of careers, as well as graduate or professional school…
Why get a master’s degree in history?
With an M.A. in history, you’ll gain an advanced understanding of how societies, cultures, economics, politics, science and arts of the past have shaped today’s world. Our Master of Arts degree is highly flexible, so you can tailor your program to meet your needs. Our faculty are experts in a wide range of times, places and subjects, with particular strengths in cultural history, women's history, military history, the history of religion, Atlantic history, and the history of science and technology. In this graduate program, you’ll be trained in methods…
What is history?
Are you fascinated with how things used to be and what that means for us now? History is the study of the past and how that knowledge can inform the present and the future. The history minor allows you to focus on a particular country, region, time period or aspect of human culture that interests you, such as religion, science or cultural movements. You’ll develop the skills in critical reading and writing that form the basis of a solid liberal arts education. Combine the minor with a major such as business, education, journalism or political science to enhance your career…
Why pursue a Ph.D. in history at UNH?
Our history Ph.D. program will prepare you for a career in historical research with a focus on U.S. history and colonial America. Our courses cover a wide range of times, places and subjects, with particular strength in cultural history, women's history, the history of religion, Atlantic history and African American history. You’ll refine your experience in methods of historical research and writing, gain competence in reading a foreign language, and work on a dissertation in collaboration with award-winning faculty in one of the top history departments…
What is the History/Law 3+3 option?
This fast-track program is designed for students with an interest in history who also intend to pursue a law degree. In the history program, you’ll learn valuable critical thinking and communication skills while examining the past and how it informs the present. You’ll begin studying law in your senior year, simultaneously completing your bachelor’s degree in history. After two more years of study, you’ll have completed your law degree in six years, rather than the standard seven.
Why study the History/Law 3+3 option at UNH?
If you’re a highly motivated…
Why get an M.A. in history with an option in museum studies?
The museum studies option combines practical museum experience with solid academic training. Gain an advanced understanding of how societies, cultures, economics, politics, science and arts of the past have shaped today’s world. Enhance your academic training with two internships, where you’ll learn to research and design exhibits, catalog and interpret collections, develop and implement education programs for elementary and secondary school students, conduct oral histories and prepare public programming. In this graduate program…
The Homeland Security program is a UNH Manchester program offered fully on both the Durham and Manchester campuses. The program gives you the tools to defend, protect, act and react to threats small and large, from bioterrorism to data breaches to natural disasters.
Contact James Ramsay for more information:
What is humanities?
The humanities ask, “What does it mean to be human?” As a student in the humanities minor, you’ll explore that fundamental question of existence. For answers, you’ll look everywhere from Greek tragedies, postmodern novels and High Renaissance sculpture to pop art, baroque music and contemporary psychological and social theories. Humanities students are in the company of scientists, artists, musicians, historians, revolutionaries, philosophers and writers who, for thousands of years, have been engaged in the same quest. Students can combine the humanities minor with majors…
What is humanities?
The humanities ask, “What does it mean to be human?” As a student in the humanities degree program, you’ll explore that fundamental question of existence. For answers, you’ll look everywhere from Greek tragedies, postmodern novels and High Renaissance sculpture to pop art, baroque music and contemporary psychological and social theories. Humanities students are in the company of scientists, artists, musicians, historians, revolutionaries, philosophers and writers who, for thousands of years, have been engaged in the same quest. To guide students on this journey are…
What is intercultural communication for the professional world?
In today's increasingly globalized society, business, government and education, among other sectors, seek people who can foster intercultural communication and promote understanding across differences. This cognate will help you gain the cultural knowledge, communication skills and linguistic skills necessary to succeed in diverse workplaces and teams, understanding how professional behaviors and language practices are shaped by culture. With advances in technology, a global economy and more diverse populations, the valuable…
What is Interdisciplinary Humanities?
The humanities ask, “What does it mean to be human?” The answers we give to that question affect everything we do, from our workplaces to our societies to our families to our politics. As a student in the Interdisciplinary humanities degree program, you’ll learn to use multiple perspectives to explore the fundamental questions of human existence. For answers, you’ll look everywhere from Greek tragedies, postmodern novels and High Renaissance sculpture to pop art, baroque music and contemporary psychological and social theories. You'll be in the company…
What is international affairs?
International affairs is the study of global issues through the disciplines of political science, history, economics, geography, sociology, and anthropology. Students acquire the substantive knowledge, practical skills, and real-world experience to address critical issues in international affairs, including: war and diplomacy; trade; climate change and biodiversity; human rights; women’s rights; refugees and migration; inequality and poverty. This major provides students with theoretical approaches grounded in the study of real places and peoples. Students…
What is the International Security Minor?
International security focuses on war, conflict, the foreign policies of states, as well as new threats to human security, such as those posed by climate change and pandemics. The international security minor will provide students with the opportunity to explore the many dimensions of international security through course work in political science, history, and other closely related disciplines. You will study critical issues impacting global peace and stability including terrorism, ethnic conflict, nuclear weapons, drug-related violence, human…
What is Italian studies?
As a student minoring in Italian studies, you’ll learn why Italy’s art, food, literature and cinema have such a large and lasting impact on culture worldwide. You’ll explore the Italian language, spoken as a second language by 250 million people. Italy is a major political and economic force in Europe and beyond and possesses the world’s seventh largest economy. An estimated 7,500 American companies do business with Italy, and more than 1,000 U.S. firms have offices there. Many students studying business, communications and international affairs find a minor in…
What is Italian studies?
As a student majoring in Italian, you’ll learn why Italy’s art, food, literature and cinema have such a large and lasting impact on culture worldwide. While you’re at it, you’ll gain proficiency in Italian, which is spoken as a second language by 250 million people. Italy is a major political and economic force in Europe and beyond and possesses the world’s seventh largest economy. Many employers seek people who speak both Italian and English. An estimated 7,500 American companies do business with Italy, and more than 1,000 U.S. firms have offices there.
Why study…
Why get a master’s degree in justice studies?
The justice studies Master of Arts degree program offers you a challenging and hands-on environment to prepare for your dream career advancing justice. You will develop in three areas: philosophical and theoretical understandings of justice, knowledge of the inner-workings and realities of laws and justice systems, and skills related to the implementation of justice. Pursuing a master’s in justice studies allows you to delve deeply into law, crime, courts, corrections, policing, drugs, terrorism, homeland security, immigration, forensics, sexual…
What is justice studies?
Whether you’re interested in working in law enforcement, the legal system, politics, social services, education or the humanities, the justice studies minor will give you a fundamental understanding of justice and legal systems in the U.S. and abroad. You’ll draw on disciplines such as social sciences, humanities and education while examining topics that range from racial justice and immigration law to juvenile delinquency, intimate partner violence, cybercrime and counterterrorism. The minor will enhance your career prospects in a range of fields, including business…
What is justice studies?
Whether you’re interested in working in law enforcement, the court system, as a U.S. Marshal or a victim’s advocate, our justice studies degree will give you a fundamental understanding of justice and legal systems in the U.S. and abroad. You’ll draw on disciplines such as social sciences, humanities and psychology while examining topics that range from racial justice and immigration law to juvenile delinquency, intimate partner violence, cybercrime and counterterrorism. Students with an interest in forensics may also consider the forensics minor. As a graduate of…
What is Latin?
In the Latin minor, you’ll study Latin and the civilization, culture and mythology of the Roman world. You’ll be able to improve your fluency and your composition skills, and read in the original such classics as Lucretius, Catullus, Vergil, Horace and Ovid.
Why study Latin at UNH?
In addition to an excellent foundation in the liberal arts, the Latin minor offers a wide range of courses and opportunities. The UNH classics program is part of the consortium of universities that supports the Intercollegiate Center for the Classical Studies in Rome, and the department also manages…
What is Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean studies?
The Latin American, Latinx and Caribbean studies minor allows you to gain communication skills in Spanish while also developing a deeper understanding of the region and its cultures, including geography, history, linguistics, literature and politics. Students from a wide variety of majors in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, health and human services, and life sciences find knowledge of Latin America, U.S. Latinx, and Caribbean cultures and communities enriches their major fields of study and adds opportunities for their…
Why get a master’s degree in liberal studies?
The liberal studies (or M.A.L.S.) program is innovative and interdisciplinary. Design your own course of study, choosing courses from across the university that focus on a topic, issue, perspective or cultural development, culminating in a scholarly thesis or creative applied project. Students have explored topics such as the arts, American studies, the humanities, ecology and values, labor studies, religious studies and urban studies. They have developed memoirs, documentaries, musical compositions, courses, theses and more. Designed for…
What is linguistics?
Linguistics is the study of language. Linguists are interested in understanding the properties common to all human languages along with language history, function and acquisition. What are the characteristics that all languages share and what makes each language distinctive? How does language vary according to region, social class, ethnicity and gender? Linguists also explore many specific aspects of individual languages, language groups and language uses. A linguistics degree cuts across the boundaries between the sciences and the humanities and is closely allied with…
What is linguistics?
Linguistics is the study of language. What are the characteristics that all languages share and what makes each language distinctive? How does language vary according to region, social class, ethnicity and gender? In the linguistics minor, you’ll be introduced to the properties common to all human languages along with language history, function and acquisition. A linguistics minor can be combined with studies in many other fields, including anthropology, psychology,sociology, speech therapy and computer science.
Why study linguistics at UNH?
The linguistics minor at UNH…
What is medical humanities, society and ethics?
Health and illness are deeply personal experiences. At one time or another, we all get sick or serve as caregivers, and interact with a complex medical system. In the medical humanities, society and ethics minor program, you’ll learn to use humanities and social science methods to critically examine how we make meaning from these experiences and to recognize that we all operate within social, cultural and historical contexts. You’ll study the origins and nature of beliefs and values about illness and health as well as those embedded in society’…
What is medical sociology?
In the medical sociology cognate program, you’ll learn how biological and sociocultural factors influence behavior and behavior change, the way we think about ourselves, and our interactions with others. You’ll explore the sociological factors that affect health and how systems of social stratification help or hinder access to health resources. Although this cognate will benefit students with a range of career goals, it will be particularly useful for those seeking careers in medicine, allied health and public health for whom it will provide a demonstrable core…
What is Middle Eastern studies?
In the Middle Eastern studies minor, you’ll develop an appreciation for the language, history, politics, religions, culture and geography of the region. Many students studying business, education, political science, history or international affairs find knowledge of the Middle East useful in their future careers or graduate studies.
Why study Middle Eastern studies at UNH?
Study abroad opportunities in the Middle East are among the many highlights of the Middle Eastern studies minor at UNH. Throughout the academic year, you’ll have opportunities to participate…
Why is a music minor?
If you have a serious interest in music but want to major in another field, the music minor is for you. You’ll study music theory and literature, selecting courses from a wide variety of options. At the same time, you’ll be able to continue to enjoy making music with our many performing ensembles. Combining the music minor with a major such as engineering, psychology, business, theatre, math and others expands your career opportunities or helps you prepare for further studies.
Why study music at UNH?
As a music minor at UNH, you’ll engage with nationally and…
What is a Bachelor of Music in music education?
Educators inspire and change students’ lives. If you want to teach music in a K-12 setting, the Bachelor of Music in music education degree qualifies you for certification in New Hampshire and neighboring states in only four years’ time. Students demonstrating musical skill and a firm commitment to leading school students to artistic success may be admitted to this program. You’ll study music performance, theory, analysis and history, as well as teaching methods and human development. You’ll be able to select an emphasis in vocal or…
What is music composition?
If you want to develop your skills as a composer while also pursuing a broad liberal arts education, the Bachelor of Arts in music with an option in composition is the degree you should pursue. You’ll study music theory and analysis, the history and literature of music, and world music and technical skills such as ear training and piano as you grow as a composer and performer.
Why study music composition at UNH?
As a music student at UNH, you’ll study composition with nationally and internationally known composition faculty and learn from guest composers. You’ll be…
What is liberal studies in music?
If you’re serious about your interest in music, but also want a broad liberal arts education, the liberal studies option is the music degree program for you. You’ll study music history and literature, music in world cultures, as well as music theory and analysis. You’ll develop your skills at inquiry, research and writing as you also continue to train your ear and practice through lessons and performing ensembles. As a student of this program, you’ll be prepared for graduate study leading to a master's or doctoral degree.
Why study liberal studies in music…
What is performance study in music?
The Bachelor of Arts in performance study degree is the program for you if you wish to develop your talent as a performer while also gaining a solid liberal arts education. You’ll develop your musicianship through private study, chamber music and some of the best performing ensembles in the region. You’ll be immersed in the study of music theory, history, literature and world music while sharpening your listening and performance skills. This program is recommended if you’re considering graduate study leading to a master's or doctoral degree in music.
Why get a master’s degree in music composition?
The M.A. in music with an option in composition option offers both a broad knowledge of music and the opportunity for in-depth study of music composition. This graduate program encourages mastery of technique and theory, culminating in a final project in an area of interest such as a composition, a composition recital, a lecture recital or a research paper. Our composition faculty’s interests span all styles, periods and approaches, and the program is responsive to the individual ambitions of its students to prepare them for their professional…
Why get a master’s degree in music conducting?
The M.A. in music with a conducting option offers the opportunity to develop skills in all aspects of ensemble leadership from the conducting gesture to rehearsing, programming repertoire and program administration. Students choose a choral, orchestral or wind band emphasis while also being free to explore other areas. The program culminates in a conducting recital and/or significant performances with one of the major university ensembles. Our faculty’s interests span all styles, periods and approaches, and the program is intended for those…
Why get your master’s degree in musicology?
For music students who are interested in researching such topics as music’s history, social context or performance practices, the M.A. in music with a musicology option offers the needed skills for this work. Students explore the research process and enroll in three seminars focused on varying musical topics (recent topics include nineteenth-century instrumental music, John Cage and Wagner). As a final project, students write an article-length, original essay. With the M.A. in musicology, students can improve their skills and knowledge for use in…
What is musical theatre?
From Broadway to cabaret, musical theatre is a genre that continues to captivate generations by combining acting, song and dance. In the musical theatre minor at UNH, you’ll develop and refine your talents in performance, movement and voice while studying the history of theatre and musical theatre. You’ll have the opportunity to perform in faculty and student-directed productions. You can combine this minor with a major such as business or music, or you can pursue a major in theatre or one of its theatre or dance options to receive a well-rounded experience for…
What is Native American and Indigenous studies?
Learn about the complex and diverse cultures and histories of Indigenous communities locally, nationally and globally. This interdisciplinary program draws from a range of fields, from anthropology and geography to English and history, to provide varied perspectives on issues such as colonialism, diaspora, social movements, politics and policy. You’ll learn academic theories and how they translate into practical applications. You’ll acquire skills and qualifications for graduate study and employment including work with Tribal and Indigenous…
What is neuroscience and behavior?
Neuroscience and behavior is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to understand the complex relationship between the nervous system and behavior in humans and other animals. Although our understanding of the connection between nervous system function and behavior is increasing rapidly, there is still much to discover about the brain and sensory systems in general and how they influence human development, reproduction, cognition, memory and learning, stress, attention control and more. The importance of understanding animal behavior, including foraging and…
What is a Bachelor of Music in performance?
The Bachelor of Music in performance degree is the program for you if you wish to focus intensively on developing your skills as a performer. This program places heavy emphasis on performance study and is great preparation for master and doctoral degree programs. You’ll develop your musicianship through private study, chamber music and some of the best performing ensembles in the region. You’ll be immersed in the study of music theory, history, literature and world music while sharpening your listening and performance skills.
Why study performance…
What is philosophy?
In studying philosophy, you’ll become a participant in a conversation that extends back to the Ancient Greeks and the Vedic Scriptures. You’ll acquire the ability to think systematically and imaginatively about fundamental and enduring issues such as morality, justice, beauty, gender, race, nature, artificial intelligence, space, time, and the meaning of life and death. Combine the minor in philosophy with a major such as business, history or science to bring rigorous thinking and clear communication skills to your future career or graduate studies.
Why study philosophy…
What is philosophy?
As participants in a conversation that extends back to the Ancient Greeks and the Vedic Scriptures, you will acquire the ability to think systematically and imaginatively about fundamental and enduring issues such as morality, justice, beauty, gender, race, nature, artificial intelligence, space, time, and the meaning of life and death.
Why study philosophy at UNH?
Our internationally renowned professors emphasize discussion, debate and writing in their courses, and wrestling with these big questions will prepare you exceptionally well for a wide variety of fulfilling…
What is the business, innovation and technology option in philosophy?
This philosophy of business, innovation and technology option in the philosophy degree program is designed for students who are interested in specializing in the relationships between markets, technology and human well-being. You will choose courses in the philosophy of artificial intelligence, evolution, neuroscience, biotechnology, business ethics, economic policy, environmental ethics and other high impact subjects.
Why study the philosophy of business, innovation and technology at UNH?
Our internationally renowned…
What is the ethics and social responsibility option in philosophy?
The ethics and social responsibility option in philosophy is designed for students who are especially concerned with exploring issues around individual and social moral responsibility, including in the areas of business, medicine, politics and technology. You’ll learn critical analytical and communication skills while exploring topics through a philosophical lens. You’ll be able to explore deep questions around issues such as the ethics of markets and money, law and medicine, and the implications of rapidly emerging…
What is the political and legal philosophy option?
The political and legal philosophy option in the philosophy degree program is designed for students who are interested in specializing in the systematic study of fundamental philosophical questions regarding politics, law and justice and how they apply to contemporary issues. This option allows you to specialize your philosophy major by studying topics such as the nature of justice, limits of state power, balancing liberty and equality, capitalism vs. socialism, authoritarian challenges to democracy, fascism and antifascism, privacy, freedom…
What is the philosophy of business, innovation and technology?
In the philosophy of business, innovation and technology cognate, you’ll explore the relationships between markets, technology and human well-being. You’ll choose courses in subjects such as the philosophy of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, economic policy, and environmental or business ethics. Combine this cognate with a science, business, liberal arts or health-related major to bring enhanced critical thinking skills to your career or studies.
Why study the philosophy of business, innovation and technology at UNH?
What is the political and legal philosophy cognate?
The political and legal philosophy cognate in the philosophy department is designed for students who are interested in specializing in the systematic study of fundamental philosophical questions regarding politics, law and justice and how they apply to contemporary issues. This cognate allows you to study topics such as the nature of justice, limits of state power, balancing liberty and equality, capitalism vs. socialism, authoritarian challenges to democracy, fascism and antifascism, privacy, freedom of expression and other issues at the…
Why get a master’s degree in political science?
With an M.A. degree in political science, you’ll gain the critical thinking skills necessary to analyze and evaluate the workings of government, politics and public policy in today’s world. Focus on American, comparative or international politics, or tailor your program to meet your needs. Our faculty comprise a wide range of expertise including U.S. elections, environmental politics, international organizations, food and wine politics, democratization, social movements and identity politics. You’ll learn howto design academically rigorous…
What is political science?
Political science gives you the conceptual tools to understand pressing questions in today’s world. Why is American politics so partisan? How do we grapple with systemic inequality and racism? Why do some countries democratize and others stay locked in authoritarianism? In the political science minor program at UNH, you will study power, institutions and policy making at the local, national and global levels. From local grassroots movements to interstate wars, political action and institutions affect our societies and our everyday lives. As a minor, you will study…
What is political science?
Political science gives you the conceptual tools to understand pressing questions in today’s world. Why is American politics so partisan? How do we grapple with systemic inequality and racism? Why do some countries democratize and others stay locked in authoritarianism? In the political science degree program at UNH, you will study power, institutions and policy making at the local, national and global levels. From local grassroots movements to interstate wars, political action and institutions affect our societies and our everyday lives. As a major, you will study…
What is the International Security Option in Political Science?
International security focuses on war, conflict, the foreign policies of states, as well as new threats to human security, such as those posed by climate change and pandemics. The international security option gives you the conceptual and methodological foundation of political science while allowing you to focus your electives on contemporary international security issues. You will study critical issues impacting global peace and stability including terrorism, ethnic conflict, nuclear weapons, drug-related violence, human…
What is a Bachelor of Music in pre-teaching?
If you’re passionate about teaching music and want to obtain a graduate degree, the pre-teaching degree program grants you a Bachelor of Music degree and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree in only five years. After four years of undergraduate study, you’ll undertake a fifth-year internship and graduate coursework to complete your teaching certification. You’ll study music performance, theory, analysis and history, as well as teaching methods and human development. You’ll be able to select an emphasis in vocal or instrumental music. Come prepare…
Why get a master’s degree in psychology?
The five-year accelerated B.A./M.A. psychology degree program is for UNH undergraduate psychology majors who wish to gain extensive research experience as behavioral scientists in preparation for doctoral programs in psychology or applied psychology careers. You’ll develop a broad knowledge of psychology and perform research in one of three areas of specialization: brain, behavior and cognition; social/personality; and developmental psychology. Advance and further specialize your psychology education in only one additional year at UNH. This master’s…
What is psychology?
Psychology is the study of the mind and human and animal behavior —what motivates us to do the things that we do? In this minor, you’ll be introduced to scientific research methods and statistics along with the option to study areas such as psychobiology, personality, child development, mood and attention disorders, crime and justice, and the psychology of happiness. Combine this minor with a major such as art, biology, healthcare, justice studies or social work to prepare for a wide variety of career opportunities or for graduate studies.
Why study psychology at UNH?
Why pursue a Ph.D. in psychology at UNH?
If you’re interested in taking your academic career one step further with the intent of teaching at the college and university level, our psychology Ph.D. program is for you. You’ll have the option to complete your degree in five years as you develop a broad knowledge of psychology, hone your teaching and communication skills, and perform research in your area of interest. We offer specialization in three areas: brain, behavior and cognition; social/personality; and developmental psychology. Nearly three-quarters of our graduates have gone onto…
What is psychology?
Psychology is the study of the mind and human and animal behavior – what motivates us to do the things that we do? In this degree program, you’ll learn scientific research and analysis methods while studying how we learn and develop, how we interact socially, how our minds affect the way we perceive things, and how we identify and define abnormal behavior. You’ll have the opportunity to study areas such as counseling, the effects of both recreational and therapeutic drugs, the psychology of crime and justice and the psychology of consciousness. Like many of our students,…
What is queer studies?
Queer studies is an interdisciplinary minor that invites you to explore basic questions about gender,sexual identities and social justice while examining the diverse experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and allied people in various cultures and communities as well as across historical eras. The intersection of gender and sexuality with race and ethnicity, social class, language and disability permeates the curriculum; class topics range from film, sports and fashion to discourse, politics and theory. Combine a minor in queer studies with a major to enhance your…
What is race and ethnic studies?
In the race and ethnic studies minor, you’ll explore basic questions about race and ethnic categories while examining the diverse experiences of people in various cultures and historical eras. You’ll study the intersection of race relations with topics that range from literature and language to privilege and policy. This interdisciplinary minor draws on areas including anthropology, history,and women’s and gender studies. Combine a minor in race and ethnic studies with a major such as anthropology, health management and policy, political science, psychology…
What is religious studies?
In the religious studies minor, you’ll be introduced to the academic study of religious thought and explore religion as a cross-cultural and experiential phenomenon. You’ll study beliefs, rituals and the meaning of life in a variety of religious traditions and through a range of courses on topics such as Islam, religious reform in Europe and the Bible as literature. The minor draws from several programs, including anthropology, English, history, humanities and philosophy. Combine a minor in religious studies with one of these majors or other areas of study such as…
What is Russian?
Russian is the most widely spoken Slavic language and the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia. Studying Russian, you will be introduced to one of the world’s great literatures and cultures. You’ll develop language proficiency while learning about Russian history, reading canonical 19th and 20th century literature, and exploring Russian contemporary society and culture. Students from a wide variety of majors in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, health and human services, and life sciences find that the skills and content knowledge developed…
What is Russian?
Russian is the most widely spoken of the Slavic languages and is the most geographically widespread language of Eurasia. To study Russian is to be introduced to one of the world’s great literatures and cultures. In the Russian degree program, you’ll study the Russian language and its history, reading important works of 19th and 20th century literature. You’ll also explore Russian contemporary society. Discussing Slavic cultures, Russian culture, various cultures inside of Russia and in post-soviet territories will help you understand regional and cultural diversity, build…
Why get an M.A.T. in secondary education?
With a Master of Arts in Teaching in secondary education, gain the knowledge, experience and skills to teach in today’s classrooms and communities. Subject matter, research, theory and clinical experience will help you teach with confidence. Learn to foster caring, cooperation and improvement with internships available in culturally, linguistically and socioeconomically diverse urban and rural schools. The M.A.T. leads to certification for teaching in secondary schools with concentration in areas such as English, math, science, social studies,…
Why get an M.Ed. in secondary education?
With a Master of Education in secondary education, you’ll gain the knowledge, experience and skills to teach in today’s classrooms and communities. Subject matter, research, theory and clinical experience will help you teach with confidence. Learn to foster caring, cooperation and improvement, with internships available in culturally, linguistically and socioeconomically diverse urban and rural schools. Our teacher education program prepares teacher-leaders ̶ excellent practitioners who work toward improving education in and beyond the classroom.…
Why pursue a cognate in skills and perspectives for the digital world?
This interdisciplinary cognate will allow you to engage with and reflect on the technology associated with the digital world. You’ll receive a foundation in technical and critical skills aligned with one of the 21st century’s defining areas: information technology. A recent statement by General Electric’s CEO asserts that if you join the company today, as opposed to 20 years ago, you’re going to learn to code even if you are in sales, finance or operations. This cognate gives students and future employees a fundamental…
What is social justice leadership?
Whether you’re interested in working in the legal system, politics, social services, education or the humanities, the interdisciplinary social justice leadership minor will give you a fundamental understanding of social justice thought, policies, institutions and systems in the U.S. and abroad. You’ll examine topics such as gender, culture, religion, sexuality and race, as well as related courses drawn from a range of disciplines, including teaching, literature, ethics, health and politics. Combine the minor with a major such as history, political science,…
What is social studies of science and technology?
The social studies of science and technology minor lets you examine the role, effect and influence of science and technology in our lives and our society. You can focus on topics such as medicine and ethics, humans and the environment, or technology and artificial intelligence. You’ll gain the analytical and conceptual skills needed to understand the relationships between science, technology and human well-being. Combine this minor with a major such as the sciences, history, philosophy or business to bring rigorous, ethically informed…
What is sociology?
Sociology is the study of society, or the way groups of people in a community, large or small, interact. This includes the ways in which a group or organization can affect individual decisions and behaviors, as well as the ways in which an individual can influence the group. You’ll learn how to conduct research, analyze data and perform statistical analyses while studying topics such as racism and gender inequality, communities and the environment, religion, drug addiction and mental health. You’ll be prepared for work or further study in fields such as counseling and…
Why get a master’s degree in sociology?
The M.A. program in sociology will provide foundational training in critical thinking and research and a deeper understanding of the social causes and consequences of human behavior. You’ll build skills in data analysis, research design and sociological theory, and engage in research on topics such as environment and social change, gender, race and inequality, family, social demography, and stress and mental health. Our master’s program culminates in an original research thesis project, and these analytical and research skills will prepare you for a…
What is sociology?
Sociology is the study of society, or the way groups of people in a community, large or small, interact. This includes the ways in which a group or organization can affect individual decisions and behaviors, as well as the ways in which an individual can influence the group. In the sociology minor, you’ll study topics such as racism and gender inequality, communities and the environment, families, religion, drug addiction and mental health. Combine the minor with a major in the liberal arts, health and human services, or business to enhance your future career opportunities…
Why pursue a Ph.D. in sociology at UNH?
Our sociology Ph.D. program offers you the flexibility to pursue your area of interest while conducting in-depth study and research at an advanced level. You’ll study theory and methodology and will have the opportunity to tailor your program to your experience and intellectual goals. Our faculty specialize in crime and conflict, sociology of the family, social stratification, health and illness, and community and environment. You’ll be encouraged to publish your research and join professional associations such as the American Sociological Association…
Why get a master’s degree in Spanish?
The M.A. program in Spanish lets you pursue a broad range of challenging, advanced studies in linguistics, literature and culture. Students can explore second language acquisition, pedagogy and methodology; Spanish sociolinguistics (language variation and change); and Hispanic literature and cultural studies. The program also supports work in interdisciplinary Hispanic studies. The main goal of the master’s program is to prepare graduates for successful careers or advanced studies at the Ph.D. level through the further development of skills in written…
What is Spanish?
In the Spanish minor, you’ll improve your fluency in Spanish, the second most spoken language in the world and in the United States, while also studying linguistics, Spanish literature, and Spanish or Latin American civilization and culture. Students from a wide variety of majors in social sciences, humanities, fine arts, business, health and human services, and life sciences find that the skills and content knowledge developed through completing a minor in Spanish complements their academic majors and enhances opportunities for their future careers.
Why study Spanish at UNH…
Why get a graduate certificate in Spanish?
The Spanish graduate certificate is designed to provide teachers, professionals and graduate students in other disciplines the opportunity to improve their proficiency in Spanish and pursue a range of challenging, advanced studies in linguistics, literature and culture. You’ll study sociolinguistics and the history of the Spanish language. You’ll analyze literature, theatre, poetry and film from the Hispanic world and explore second-language acquisition, bilingualism, pedagogy and methodology. This post-baccalaureate certificate is perfect for those…
What is Spanish?
Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world today, and the second language of the United States. In this degree program, you’ll gain fluency in Spanish while also developing an appreciation for linguistics, Spanish literature, and Spanish or Latin American civilization and culture. You’ll be prepared to live and work in a world community where Spanish is important for both personal and professional reasons. Many students in the program consider a double or dual major in a field such as business administration, linguistics, social work or international affairs.…
Why get your Master of Education in special education?
With an M.Ed. in special education, you’ll gain the advanced knowledge, expertise, and experience to create and implement effective and inclusive educational programs for students in elementary and secondary schools who are identified with, or are suspected of having, a disability that impedes their learning. We seek to prepare educators who are not only excellent practitioners but also skilled collaborators with colleagues and families. Throughout the course of study, we emphasize the vital importance of the provision of equal…
What is special education?
In the special education minor, you will engage in a critical examination of inclusive education and study fundamental issues of values, purposes, and practices in public education systems. The concept of disability in education has a dual nature. It has been represented as a mechanism of protection within schools that recruits efforts and resources to develop all individuals’ abilities and to ensure their meaningful, full participation in society. Disability identification has also been a mechanism for exclusion and inequity, including long-standing intersections…
Why get a graduate certificate in special education administration?
The graduate certificate program in special education administration is designed to provide the knowledge and expertise needed to lead your school, district and state in the education of students with disabilities in k-12 school settings. As a graduate of the program, you'll be eligible for New Hampshire special education administrator certification. The program promotes high quality education and leadership through professional learning, strong partnerships, and the pursuit of solutions to complex challenges situated within…
What is the studies in fashion and design cognate?
The studies in fashion and design cognate program offers students a foundation for developing the basic skills to enter the field of fashion design. In this three-course sequence, you will be introduced to the art behind the creation of apparel and the basics of marketing strategy connected to fashion design. We’ll guide you as you develop your own creative process and design method while you also learn the basics of marketing and personal business. The cognate will help you combine your artistic vision with practical application so you can…
What is the studies in the design of interior space cognate?
The studies in the design of interior space cognate program provides students a pathway to enter the world of interior design. In this three-course sequence, you’ll get an overview of design creation and execution for space planning. From concept development to project execution, you’ll formulate design projects that are both practical and aesthetically pleasing. You’ll develop a comprehensive creative process through research, problem solving and project development. This cognate will prepare you to apply critical thinking to the…
What is studio art?
Pursue your interest in the fine arts through the studio art minor at UNH. You’ll have the opportunity to develop your skills practicing two-and three-dimensional art forms that range from drawing, painting and photography to ceramics, sculpture and furniture design. You’ll gain studio experience while also studying art history and architecture. You can combine the minor in studio art with any major, such as art history, writing or mechanical engineering. You’ll be able to enhance your career potential or prepare for graduate studies in subjects as varied as architecture…
What is survey research?
In the survey research minor, you will learn how to design, conduct and analyze public opinion surveys. With a strong grounding in theory and practice, you will better understand the strengths and weaknesses of survey data, making you a better consumer of survey research in your career. The survey research minor is a natural complement to majors in political science, international affairs, justice studies, psychology, sociology and anthropology, but survey research is used in almost all fields, including business, agriculture, health and human services, and…
What is technical writing and public speaking?
Effective communication skills are valuable in almost any career. The technical writing and public speaking cognate will help you become a successful writer and speaker. You’ll learn to analyze your audience and the situations where you will be conveying your message. You’ll study the art of rhetoric, the techniques of argument and persuasion. You’ll also practice constructing and delivering the best message to reach your readers or listeners. The essential skills provided by this cognate can complement almost any major, from business and…
What is TESOL?
The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) minor assists in the preparation to teach English to non-native speakers. You’ll be introduced to topics in linguistics, grammar, theory and methods of language teaching, as well as curriculum development. You’ll also develop a greater awareness of world languages and cultures. Combine this minor with studies in education or English teaching to pursue certification, or with other languages, social work or justice studies to pursue graduate studies or teaching positions in a variety of settings,either in the United…
What is theatre?
Pursue your passion for the performing arts with the theatre minor. Learn about the history and literature of theatre, as well as performing arts skills, design and theatre technology. Tailor the minor to your interests with courses in acting, dance, voice, playwriting, directing, arts administration, stagecraft, puppetry, youth theatre and musical theatre. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in full-scale theatrical productions offered by our department. Combine the theatre minor with any degree, or with a major such as a theatre or dance option, literature, art,…
What is theatre?
There is no area of human endeavor that the theatre does not touch; so to teach and learn about theatre is to teach and learn about human life. Whether you live for the stage, have a love of costumes or see yourself running things behind the scenes, a theatre degree will allow you to engage with your passion for the performing arts, and for the life that the performing arts imitate. You’ll study performance, theatre history, and the elements of design and theatre technology. The program was designed with a relatively light credit load, allowing you to combine your theatre…
What is the acting and directing option in theatre?
The acting and directing option is one of the few programs in the nation that combines these two disciplines into a single trajectory. With a focus on creating the self-sufficient theatre artist, this option is designed to develop the skills and artistry necessary for a wide-ranging career in theatre. You’ll take multiple levels of acting, voice and movement, and directing courses and delve into virtually every aspect of the theory, history and practice of theatre. With immense opportunity for hands-on experience in all areas of theatre,…
What is the dance option in theatre?
By studying dance within the theatre degree program at UNH, you’ll be preparing yourself for a successful career on or off the stage. You’ll take classes in the history of dance, dance composition, choreography and performance, learning techniques in jazz, ballet, tap and even aerial dance. As a graduate of this program, you might work as a performer, choreographer or dance teacher.
Why study dance at UNH?
In addition to our award-winning faculty, the UNH Department of Theatre and Dance offers more than 25 performance opportunities every year in musicals…
What is design and theatre technology?
Designed for students who are interested in the magic behind the scenes, this option in the theatre degree program will prepare you to apply both artistic and technical elements with design principles to create the world for performing arts. You will work with faculty who are artists in the profession to develop an individually tailored program of study based on your interests and skills, including set design, costume design, lighting design, property design, scenic painting, technical direction and costume technology. The design and theatre technology…
What is musical theatre?
From Broadway to cabaret, musical theatre is a genre that continues to captivate generations by combining acting, song and dance. In this theatre degree program at UNH, you’ll develop and refine your talents in performance, movement and voice while studying the history of theatre and musical theatre. You’ll have the opportunity to perform in faculty- and student-directed productions, while also gaining hands-on experience through required practicums, working in areas such as sets, lighting, box office and marketing. Our program gives you a well-rounded experience for…
What is the secondary theatre education option?
One of only a few programs of its kind in the country, UNH’s secondary theatre education option will prepare you to teach theatre and direct productions with students in kindergarten through 12th grade. You’ll study the history of theatre and directing, the elements of design and theatre technology, and methods of teaching in theatre. You’ll gain hands-on practical teaching experience with K-12 students. As you complete your studies, you will have the option to enter theatre education directly as a teaching artist at professional theatres, get…
What is the youth drama option in theatre?
If you love the dramatic arts and see the possibilities for connecting with young children through creative programming, the youth drama option is for you. This theatre degree program will give you tools to work with children in settings inside and outside the classroom. Whether you’re interested in elementary school teaching or working as a teaching artist, you’ll learn advanced skills in storytelling and theatre, and you will have the opportunity to work with our master puppeteer. This program will give you hands-on teaching experience and the…
Why get a graduate certificate in trauma informed policy and practice?
The trauma informed policy and practice graduate certificate will prepare scholars enrolled in social work and/or education graduate programs, or current professionals in the field, in research-based practices and systems change strategies to improve outcomes for children and youth with significant support needs. This includes those with emotional and behavioral challenges, developmental and intellectual disabilities, autism, and sensory and other learning disabilities. Upon completion of this program, you will have an…
What is women’s and gender studies?
In the women’s and gender studies minor, you’ll explore basic questions about gender roles, gender identity and social justice while examining the diverse experiences of women in various cultures and historical eras. You’ll study the intersection of gender with categories of identity including race and religion, and with topics including film and sports. You’ll also have the opportunity to pursue an intensive study of a specialized topic. Combine this minor with a major such as history, literature, international affairs, psychology or social work to…
What is women’s and gender studies?
In the women’s and gender studies degree program, you’ll explore basic questions about gender roles, gender identity and social justice while examining the diverse experiences of women in various cultures and historical eras. You’ll study the intersection of gender with topics that range from gaming and sports to diversity and activism. This interdisciplinary degree program draws on areas including sociology, history and popular culture.
Why study women’s and gender studies at UNH?
As a relatively small department in the College of Liberal Arts, we’ll…
What are world languages?
The world languages dual major degree program is a streamlined language program for students majoring in business, engineering and physical sciences, life sciences and agriculture, or health and human services who wish to master a second language and improve their intercultural communication skills. Choose from Arabic, Chinese, classics, French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish. Surveys of U.S. employers show the demand for employees with language skills far outpaces the supply. Increase your marketability and be ready for the globalized world with this dual…
Why get a Master of Fine Arts in writing?
Do you want to shape your gifts and passion for writing? Work one-on-one with nationally recognized faculty? Get the support of a talented community of peers? Focus on fiction, narrative nonfiction or poetry in our graduate M.F.A. program, which has launched the careers of hundreds of poets, novelists, storywriters, essayists and memoirists. What is notable is not just how hard students work on their own creative writing, but how much effort goes into their response to the work of their peers. Writers here care deeply about each other, and the…
What is writing?
The writing minor will give you the critical and creative skills to succeed in the modern workplace. You’ll have the opportunity to study professional and technical writing, creative nonfiction, critical analysis, editing and journalism,and take classes and workshops in writing fiction and poetry. You’ll become skilled in critical thinking, analysis and communication.Combine this minor with a major such as business, communication, marketing, literature or the sciences to prepare for the writing demands in your future profession or graduate studies.
Why study writing at UNH?…
What is youth drama?
If you want to connect with children through the dramatic arts in settings inside or outside the classroom, the youth drama minor is for you. Whether you’re interested in elementary school teaching or working as an artist, you’ll learn skills in storytelling and theatre, and you’ll have the opportunity to work with our master puppeteer. You’ll also explore the values and practice of incorporating the arts into a non-arts educational setting. Combine this minor with a major such as business,social work or education, with the option to pursue a fifth-year master’s degree…