Teaching Excellence Nominations

January 2025

There will be nine University Teaching Excellence Awards this year, three of which are for the College of Liberal Arts. The purpose of these awards is to recognize, honor, and encourage excellence in teaching. Although the methods involved in superior teaching vary, excellent teachers tend to have certain features in common. Those chosen for these awards are engaged in ongoing creative activity in their fields. They have a clear mastery of their subject matter and excel at conveying that knowledge to students. They possess an infectious enthusiasm for learning and demonstrate a genuine concern and respect for students both in and out of the classroom. Finally, they provide challenging educational experiences that lead their students toward intellectual growth and independence.

All teaching faculty are eligible to be nominated. 

Nomination requirements:

  • Letter(s) of nomination including Chair letter of support
    • Student (4 letters maximum), staff & faculty letters
    • All letters should describe the nominee’s demonstrated teaching excellence, summarizing specific supporting evidence
  • Up-to-date/current CV

Please send your nominating packet as one comprehensive PDF to Bob Morris by March 21, 2025 (robert.morris@unh.edu).