College Support and Award Opportunities

COLA Support and Awards

The annual Gary Lindberg Award was established by the College of Liberal Arts in 1986 in memory of Professor Gary Lindberg of the Department of English. Professor Lindberg was an exceptional scholar and outstanding teacher whose dedication and service to the University of New Hampshire as well as the wider community exemplified the highest academic standards and ideals.

In memory of Professor Lindberg and as a means of publicly supporting superior faculty accomplishment, the College of Liberal Arts annually recognizes one truly outstanding scholar and teacher within the College. The award carries a stipend. The recipient is invited to present the Liberal Arts Lecture to the public during the following academic year.

Lindberg Nomination Information

Go to Lindberg Nomination Page

2023 Lindberg Award Recipient

Sharyn Potter

Sharyn J. Potter, Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, has been selected as the 2023 recipient of the Lindberg Award, given annually to an outstanding teacher-scholar in the College of Liberal Arts. 

Professor Potter earned both her M.P.H. in Health Policy and Management and Ph.D. in Sociology from Emory University. She joined the University of New Hampshire in 1998 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and in 2019, as a full professor, joined the newly formed Women’s and Gender Studies Department. Throughout her career, Professor Potter has established herself as a highly prolific scholar whose work has had tremendous impact on public health policy, especially in regard to interpersonal violence and its prevention.

Professor Potter is the author or co-author of numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, essays, national and state reports, policy papers, scholarly commentary, and educational videos and maintains a hectic schedule of conference presentations and invited talks. Her research has consistently been supported by external competitive grants from federal agencies including the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Justice, the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as from state and other institutional sources.   

Most notably, in 2006, Dr. Potter co-founded and continues to direct the Prevention Innovations Research Center (PIRC), a designated university research center that has become nationally and internationally recognized for research and community engagement focusing on sexual and relationship violence and stalking prevention and response. As a result of Professor Potter’s energetic leadership and hard work, PIRC was one of three university research centers identified by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault and tasked to examine the efficacy of delivering campus sexual misconduct policies. Among Dr. Potter’s and PIRC’s significant accomplishments was the development of uSafeUS®, a smartphone app that has sexual assault, dating violence and stalking prevention and response strategies. She also holds three additional registered trademarks for interventions to prevent sexual violence including the Know Your Power® Bystander Social Marketing Campaign. PIRC was awarded UNH Innovation’s Innovator of the Year Award in 2015. That same year, and again In 2017, it was awarded the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Community Engagement Scholarship Award and was a finalist both years for the C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Scholarship Award. 

Professor Potter is also a committed teacher who is dedicated to undergraduate and graduate student enrichment. She teaches important topical courses such as #MeTooMovement: How we got here; Gender, Power and Privilege; Sexualized Violence; and Gender Based Violence: US and International Perspectives. And beyond the classroom, she engages several undergraduate and graduate students – as well as faculty colleagues – in her research and policy implementation projects, and has served on numerous doctoral dissertation and M.A. and honors thesis committees.

Previous Lindberg Award Winners

Lucy Salyer

John Mayer
Lawrence Prelli
Siobhan Senier
Paula Salvio
Ellen Fitzpatrick
David Kaye
W. Jeffrey Bolster
Michael Ferber
Rochelle Lieber
Jan Golinski
Charlotte Witt
Thomas Newkirk
Douglas Lanier
Scott Schnepf
Sheila McNamee
J. William Harris
Susan Schibanoff
David Frankfurter
Sally Ward
Charles Simic
Robert Mair
Cathy Frierson
Alasdair Drysdale
Ann Diller
Paul Brockelman
Janet Polasky
Keith Polk
Victor Benassi
David Richman
Joshua Meyrowitz
Laurel T. Ulrich
Robert Hapgood
Barbara Cooper
Donald J. Wilcox
Michael DePorte

History 2022

Psychology 2021
Communication 2020
English 2019
Education 2018
History 2017
Theatre 2016
History 2015
English and Humanities 2014
English and Linguistics 2013
History and Humanities 2012
Philosophy and Humanities 2011
English 2010
English 2009
Art 2008
Communication 2007
History 2006
English 2005
History and Religious Studies 2004
Sociology 2003
English 2002
Psychology 2001
History 2000
Geography 1999
Education 1998
Philosophy 1997
History 1996
Music 1995
Psychology 1994
Humanities and Theatre 1993
Communication 1992
History 1991
English 1990
LLC/French 1989
History 1988
English 1987

This award recognizes a liberal arts faculty member who best embodies the qualities and spirit of Professor Gwynne Harris Daggett. These qualities include independent thinking, exploring new ideas, representing academic freedoms, and the encouragement of students to share these values. The award carries a small stipend. All COLA teaching faculty are eligible. Self-nominations are accepted.

Application/Nomination requirements:

  • 1- to 2-page (single-spaced) statement demonstrating award criteria stated above using specific empirical examples from their courses, research and/or service.
  • Up-to-date/current CV

Please send your nomination(s) to Kayla Laurie by March 22, 2024 (

Limited funds are available to faculty members on an ad hoc basis to support their professional development. Proposals should be made through one’s chair and support from other sources should be sought as well.

Request for Ad Hoc Faculty Development Funds

John and H. Irene Peters Professorship in Education
This award recognizes a faculty member in the Department of Education and is intended to provide support for teaching, research, service and other activities. The award carries an annual allowance for a three-year term, which may be used to support any bona fide professional expense.

Lamberton Professor of Justice Studies
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in scholarship and teaching in the field of justice studies. The award carries an annual allowance for a three-year term.

Pamela Shulman Professorship in European and Holocaust Studies
This award recognizes an outstanding tenured faculty member who will contribute to the study of European and Holocaust studies in the classroom as well as in research in this area. The Professorship carries an annual allowance that is intended to support outreach and networking initiatives that foster professional relationships with other centers of study, as well as lectures on campus and in the region.

Burnham Estate Faculty Summer Residency Fellowship

A gift from the Burnham Trust makes possible a short-term residential fellowship for tenure-track, lecturer, clinical, and research faculty who wish to pursue pedagogical, writing, or artistic activity in a rural retreat setting. See the document below for more information on the estate.

Fellowship recipients will be offered short-term summer stays typically ranging from 3 to 14 days between July 1 and August 18, 2024 at the Burnham Estate in Grafton Center, NH.

Interested faculty should submit a completed application. The number of fellowships awarded will depend on the number of applications received.

Application requirements:

  • Cover Sheet: see form below
  • Justification narrative (500 words maximum) that includes the topic, project description, work plan (how the Burnham Residency Fellowship will fit into the project goals), and requested time period/specific dates for residential occupancy
  • Updated CV
  • Signature from the appropriate department/program chair, director, or coordinator on the cover sheet form

Application materials should be submitted electronically to Jenni Cook in the COLA Dean’s Office by March 22, 2024 (

  • Liberal Arts Burnham Faculty Fellowship Summer 2024 application
     Word format


COLA's Center for the Humanities hosts and sponsors interdisciplinary conferences; supports faculty programs, projects, and lectures; and offers faculty fellowships, an endowed chair, stipends, and workshops.

Center for the Humanities

Other UNH Support and Award Opportunities (Selected List)

Each year, the University selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship, and service. Awards for Excellence in Teaching are given in each college and school, and University-wide awards recognize public service, research, teaching, and engagement.

Nomination Information

Award Recipients

Winners are profiled on the Faculty Excellence Awards website


University-wide Awards

Robin Hackett, English, Graduate Faculty Mentor

Casey Golomski, Anthropology, Outstanding Associate Professor

Lin Zhang, Communication, Outstanding Assistant Professor

Excellence in Teaching

Anna Wainwright, Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies

Molly Dorsey, History/Justice Studies

Mauricio Pulecio, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


University-wide Awards

Lina Lee, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Excellence in International Engagement

Excellence in Teaching

Nicoletta Gullace, Department of History
Nena Stracuzzi, Department of Sociology
Nina Windgätter, Department of Philosophy


University-wide Awards

Kurk Dorsey, Department of History
Graduate Student Mentor Award

Ellen Fitzpatrick, Department of History
Jean Brierley Award for Excellence in Teaching

Ethel Sara Wolper, Department of History
Excellence in International Engagement Award

Excellence in Teaching

Kimberly Alexander, Department of History
Jennifer Borda, Department of Communication
Kathryn McCurdy, Department of Education

Previous winners can be found on the Faculty Excellence Awards website

The Provost's Office awards University Professorships, Presidential Chairs and Professorships.

Provost's Office Faculty Professorships and Chairs

The University supports professional development through Faculty Development Grants and research through the Faculty Scholars Program; it supports a host of other opportunities through the Engagement and Faculty Development program.

Provost's Office Faculty Support

Engagement and Faculty Development Program

The Graduate School awards Summer Faculty Fellowships. Contact Dean Cari Moorhead,, for information.

The Global Education Center awards competitive grants for internationalizing faculty engagement and development.

Global Education Center Grants

Check out this website for the most comprehensive information about support for research and other scholarly activities provided by units within UNH.