
Amy Boylan

Office: Classics, Humanities, & Italian Studies, Murkland Hall Rm 317, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • ITAL 401: Elementary Italian I
  • ITAL 425: Intro to Italian Studies
  • ITAL 444A: Italians Come to America
  • ITAL 503: Intermediate Italian I
  • ITAL 525: Italian Cinema
  • ITAL 540: Italian American Studies
  • ITAL 595: Practicum
  • ITAL 631: Advanced Conversation and Comp
  • ITAL 675/775: Spec Topics in Italian Studies
  • ITAL 796: Independent Study


  • Ph.D., University of California - Los Angeles
  • M.A., University of California - Los Angeles
  • M.A., Humanities, San Francisco State University
  • B.A., University of California - Los Angeles

Research Interests

  • National memorials in Italian literature and art

Selected Publications

  • Boylan, A. (2019). Cuore and the cinema: reframing the Risorgimento for the First World War. MODERN ITALY, 24(3), 281-294. doi:10.1017/mit.2019.4

  • Boylan, A. (2017). "Democratizing the Memorial Landscape: Casamemoria Vittimemafia's Calendar of Loss". In R. Pickering Iazzi (Ed.), The Italian Mafia, New Media, and the Culture of Legality (pp. 102-120). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

  • Boylan, A. (2014). Arms, Wombs and Tears: The Mother's Body in Women's Writing about War in Early Twentieth-Century Italy. Italica, 91(4), 666-685.

  • Renga, D., Cooper, A., & Renga, D. (2013). Introduction The Banda della Magliana, The Camorra, The ’Ndrangheta, and the Sacra Corona Unita: The Mafia Onscreen Beyond the Cosa Nostra. The Italianist, 33(2), 190-200. doi:10.1179/0261434013z.00000000043

  • Boylan, A. (2013). "Unresolved Commemoration: Memorials to Victims of Homophobic Violence in Italy". The Italianist, 33(1).

  • Boylan, A. (2012). MATERNITY, MORTALITY AND MOURNING IN THE TRENCH POETRY OF WORLD WAR I. FORUM ITALICUM, 46(2), 380-402. doi:10.1177/001458581204600206

  • Boylan, A. (2012). MEMORY, HISTORY AND A MOTHER'S RESISTANT MOURNING IN GIUSEPPE DESSI'S IL DISERTORE. QUADERNI D ITALIANISTICA, 33(2), 133-149. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/

  • Boylan, A. (2011). Maternal Images in Song, Bronze, and Rhetoric: Mercantini's 'Inno di Garibaldi', Baroni's Monumento ai Mille, and D'Annunzio's Orazione per la sagra dei Mille. ITALIAN STUDIES, 66(1), 40-58. doi:10.1179/007516311X12918079775587

  • Boylan, A. (2011). Pasquale Scimeca's Placido Rizzotto: A Different View of Corleone. In Mafia Movies: A Reader (pp. 312-319). Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.

  • Boylan, A. (2011). "Masculinities and the Commemoration of World War I: Gabriele D'Annunzio and Eugenio Baroni". Italian Culture, 29, 3-17.

  • Most Cited Publications