Carmen Garcia-Rasilla

Phone: (603) 862-3126
Office: Languages, Literatures, & Cultures, Murkland Hall Rm G10D, Durham, NH 03824

Carmen García de la Rasilla is Associate Professor of Spanish language, literature and culture at the University of New Hampshire. She has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Valladolid, Spain and a Ph.D. in literature from The Johns Hopkins University and researches and publishes in both fields. Author of Salvador Dalí's Literary Self-Portrait: Approaches to a Surrealist Autobiography (Bucknell University Press 2009), and of Salvador Dalí: Traditiones, Mitos y Modos Culturales (University of Granada Press, 2018); her other publications include one edited monograph on the Spanish historical novel (Verdelís 2016), one co-edited volume on Cervantes’ Don Quixote (Juan de la Cuesta 2016), another one on Don Juan (Juan de la Cuesta, forthcoming in 2019), and a monographic study of twentieth century Spanish urban history (Simancas Ediciones, 1991). She has also published numerous articles and book chapters on these subjects, as well as on comparative literature, women and painting and on Spanish Surrealism.

Courses Taught

  • COLA 653: Intro to British Culture
  • COLA 655: London Program
  • COLA 670: The London Project
  • LLC 540: Film History
  • SPAN 503: Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 504: Intermediate Spanish II
  • SPAN 632: Adv Conversation &Compositn II
  • SPAN 650: Hispanic Lit & Pop Culture
  • SPAN 797/897: Top/Hispanic Lit & Cult Study


  • Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
  • Ph.D., Universidad de Valladolid
  • M.A., Johns Hopkins University
  • Licence, Universidad de Valladolid

Research Interests

  • History
  • Interdisciplinary studies
  • Spanish and comparative literature