Dr. Cristy Beemer is an Associate Professor of English, Coordinator of the Professional and Technical Writing Program, and incoming Director of Composition at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Beemer’s research focuses on feminist rhetoric in classical, early modern, and contemporary contexts. She has published articles in Peitho, Rhetoric Review, and Teaching English at a Two-Year College, among others. Dr. Beemer is currently working on her book project, From the Margins of Healthcare: Breast Cancer and the Rhetoric of the Online Peer-to-Peer Healthcare Community. This work is a deeply personal exploration of a unique rhetorical space where first-hand accounts of cancer treatment form an instructive avenue of inquiry in medical care and create a virtual, global community of women writers contributing to wellness through shared experience, language, support, advice, and humor.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
- ENGL 502: Professional & Technical Writ
- ENGL 565: Literary Dublin
- ENGL 910: Practm & Mentor College Comp
- ENGL 912: Hist & Theor Studies Rhetoric
- ENGL 913: Theory&Practice of Composition
- GRAD 950: Issues in College Teaching
Research Interests
- Composition theory
- Early Modern rhetoric/literature
- Feminist rhetoric
- Technical writing
Selected Publications
Molloy, C., Beemer, C., Bennett, J., Green, A., Johnson, J., Kessler, M., . . . Siegel-Finer, B. (2018). A Dialogue on Possibilities for Embodied Methodologies in the Rhetoric of Health & Medicine. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 1(3–4), 349-371. doi:10.5744/rhm.2018.1017
Beemer, C. (2016). Sophists or SMEs? Teaching Rhetoric Across the Curriculum in the Professional and Technical Writing Classroom. Teaching English in the Two-Year College, 44(2).
Beemer, C. (2016). From the Margins of Healthcare: De-mythicizing Cancer Online. Peitho: The Journal of the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition, 19(1).
Beemer, C. (2016). God Save the Queen: Kairos and the Mercy Letters of Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots. RHETORIC REVIEW, 35(2), 75-90. doi:10.1080/07350198.2016.1142803
Beemer, C. (2011). The Female Monarchy: A Rhetorical Strategy of Early Modern Rule. RHETORIC REVIEW, 30(3), 258-274. doi:10.1080/07350198.2011.581937
Shaver, L., Bowles, S., & Beemer, C. (2009). Making the Rhetorical SellEntrepreneurial Consultancy as a WAC Model. Pedagogy Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature Language Composition and Culture, 9(1), 61-76. doi:10.1215/15314200-2008-017
Beemer, C., Bowles, S., & Shaver, L. (2005). At Your Service: Teaching Rhetoric in a Business School Writing Center. Praxis: An Online Writing Center Journal, 3(1).
Beemer, C., Ronald, K., & Shaver, L. (n.d.). Where Else Should Feminist Rhetoricians Be?’ Leading a WAC Initiative in a School of Business. In K. Ratcliffe, & R. Rickly (Eds.), Performing Feminism and Administration in Rhetoric and Composition Studies.