Edward Reynolds has a PHD in communication and currently teaches language and social interaction in the Department of Communication at the University of New Hampshire. Edward’s research explores topics of conflict and the body in human communication. Edward has explored both everyday contexts of conflict, medical settings and the sport of powerlifting. Edward has published on conflict and deception in journals such as the British Journal of Social Psychology and Discourse Studies. Edward is also a competitive powerlifter, coach and referee.
Courses Taught
- CMN 440A: Honors/CMN, Identity&Addiction
- CMN 457: Intro Lang & Soc Interaction
- CMN 572: Analysis Lang & Soc Interactn
- CMN 580: Lying, Deception and the Truth
- CMN 599: Internship
- CMN 666: Conversation Analysis
- CMN 698: Sem/Sports, Play, and Games
- CMN 702: Sem/TalkingTalkProjAdvInteract
- CMN 780: Comm. and Sports Coaching
- CMN 799H: Honors Thesis
- INCO 590: Student Research Experience
Research Interests
- Addictions
- Communication scholarship on sport and medicine which is real world and experiential
- Conflict/Dispute Resolution
- Drugs/Drug Abuse
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociology of Language
- Sports Psychology
- Sports/Athletics
- War/Conflict
Selected Publications
Kidwell, M., & Reynolds, E. (n.d.). Gaze and the Organization of Participation in Collective Visual Conduct. Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, 5(2). doi:10.7146/si.v5i2.119332
Reynolds, E. (2021). Chapter 1.1. Emotional intensity as a resource for moral assessments. In Pragmatics & Beyond New Series (pp. 27-50). John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/pbns.321.01rey
Reynolds, E. (2020). Respecifying Dualities: The Case of ‘Feel Enquiries’ Used in Sports Coaching. In Discursive Psychology and Embodiment (pp. 139-167). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-53709-8_6
Reynolds, E. (2017). Description of membership and enacting membership: Seeing-a-lift, being a team. Journal of Pragmatics, 118, 99-119. doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2017.05.008
Evans, B., & Reynolds, E. (2016). The Organization of Corrective Demonstrations Using Embodied Action in Sports Coaching Feedback. Symbolic Interaction, 39(4), 525-556. doi:10.1002/symb.255
Reynolds, E. (2015). How participants in arguments challenge the normative position of an opponent. DISCOURSE STUDIES, 17(3), 299-316. doi:10.1177/1461445615571198
Theobald, M., & Reynolds, E. (2015). In pursuit of some appreciation: assessment and group membership in children's second stories. TEXT & TALK, 35(3), 407-430. doi:10.1515/text-2015-0006
Reynolds, E. J., & Fitzgerald, R. (2015). Challenging Normativity: re-appraising category, bound, tied and predicated features. In R. Fitzgerald, & W. Housley (Eds.), Advances in Membership Categorisation Analysis. Sage Publications Limited.
Reynolds, E., & Rendle-Short, J. (2011). Cues to deception in context: Response latency/gaps in denials and blame shifting. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 50(3), 431-449. doi:10.1348/014466610X520104