Courses Taught
- CMN 519: Advertisng as Social Communctn
- CMN 529: Honors/Capitalism&Surveillance
- CMN 619W: Histories of New Media
- CMN 696W: Sem Media Studies/Mobile Media
- CMN 719: Surveillance and Society
Research Interests
- Big Data
- Communication technology
- Consumer and financial culture
- Cultural History
- Finance
- History of Science & Technology
- Media history and theory
- Privacy
- Surveillance
Selected Publications
Lauer, J. (2024). The telephone answering machine: Mediated presence and the participatory condition. New Media & Society, 26(12), 6861-6880. doi:10.1177/14614448231159350
Lauer, J. (2024). Visualizing Black Telephone Users: Technological Whiteness and Racial Exclusion in Bell System Advertising. Technology and Culture, 65(3), 899-931. doi:10.1353/tech.2024.a933099
Lauer, J. (2022). Credit Reporting and the History of Commercial Surveillance in America. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
Lauer, J. (2021). Surveilling. In A. Blair, P. Duguid, A. -S. Goeing, & A. Grafton (Eds.), Information: A Historical Companion (pp. 790-795). Princeton University Press.
Lauer, J., & Lipartito, K. (2021). Surveillance Capitalism in America. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Lauer, J. (2020). Plastic surveillance: Payment cards and the history of transactional data, 1888 to present. BIG DATA & SOCIETY, 7(1). doi:10.1177/2053951720907632
Lauer, J. (2019). The Known Citizen: A History of Privacy in Modern America. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW, 124(3), 1019-1021. doi:10.1093/ahr/rhz413
Lauer, J., & Lauer, J. (2017). Creditworthy A History of Consumer Surveillance and Financial Identity in America Introduction. Retrieved from
Lauer, J. (2016). The End of Judgment: Consumer Credit Scoring and Managerial Resistance to the Black Boxing of Creditworthiness. In D. Raff, & P. Scranton (Eds.), The Emergence of Routines: Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Business History (pp. 269-287). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Lauer, J. (2012). Surveillance history and the history of new media: An evidential paradigm. NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY, 14(4), 566-582. doi:10.1177/1461444811420986