Courses Taught
- ENGL 533: Intro to Film Studies
- ENGL 616A: Studies in Film/Genre
- ENGL 616B: Studies in Film/Authorship
- ENGL 616C: Studies in Film/Cult &Ideology
- ENGL 616D: Stdy in Film/Narrative & Style
- ENGL 618: Film Theory
Research Interests
- Cinema
- Film studies and theory; horror
- Film studies and theory: noir
- Science fiction film
- TV
- World cinema
Selected Publications
Konzett, M. B. (2019). The Egotistical Sublime: Film Noir and Whiteness. In D. M. Konzett (Ed.), Hollywood at the Intersection of Identity and Race. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Konzett, M. (2015). Encyclopedia of German Literature (eBook ed.). London, UK: Routledge (formerly Fitzroy Dearborn, Chicago, London). Retrieved from https://www.routledge.com/
Konzett, M. (2011). It’s Not Every Day We’re Gonna Be The Same – Wong Kar Wai, Auteur-Flaneur ofthe Camera. Weber: The Contemporary West, 27(2), 67-76.
Konzett, M. (2010). Sci-Fi Film and Sounds of the Future. In M. Bartkowiak (Ed.), Sounds of the Future: Essays on Music in Science Fiction Film (pp. 100-117). London: McFarland.
Konzett, M. (2010). A Companion to the Works of Thomas Bernhard ([aperback edition ed.). M. Konzett (Ed.), Rochester, NY and Woodbride, Suffolk, UK: Camden House. Retrieved from https://boydellandbrewer.com/
Konzett, M. (2009). Imminent Future—Sci-Fi Film and the Construction of Soundscapes. Weber: The Contemporary West, 25(2).
Konzett, M. P. (2009). Competing Paradigms of Multiculturalism?. Twentieth Century Literature, 55(1), 114-124. doi:10.1215/0041462x-2009-2008
Konzett, M., & Senocak, Z. (2003). Zafer Senocak im Gesprach. The German Quarterly, 76(2), 131. doi:10.2307/3252170
Konzett, M. (1995). Cultural Amnesia and the Banality of Human Tragedy: Peter Handke's Wunschloses Unglück and its Postideological Aesthetics. The Germanic Review Literature Culture Theory, 70(2), 42-50. doi:10.1080/00168890.1995.9934250
Konzett, M. (1995). Publikumsbeschimpfung: Thomas Bernhard's Provocations of the Austrian Public Sphere. The German Quarterly, 68(3), 251. doi:10.2307/408242