Courses Taught
- ARTS 552: Intro Digital Photography
- ARTS 598: An Artist's Life
- ARTS 651: Photography Workshop
Research Interests
- Photography: film and digital
Artistic Activities & Publications
Pop Up Pepper (2019). Retrieved from http://www.nhia.edu/
Treat America Project, Satelllite Art Show, SXSW, The Museum of Human Achievement, Austin, TX (2019). Retrieved from https://treatgallery.org/treatamerica
Treat America Project, OSNY Project Space, New York, NY (2019). Retrieved from https://treatgallery.org/treatamerica
Treat America Project, Foley Gallery, New York, NY (2019). Retrieved from https://treatgallery.org/treatamerica
2018-The Artists Revealed: 2018 Studio Faculty Review, Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire (2018).
Review Santa Fe (2018). Retrieved from http://gallery.visitcenter.org/reviewsantafe2018/
Center Forward, The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, CO (2018). Retrieved from http://www.c4fap.org/exhibitions/center-forward-2018/
Cardinali, M. C. (2018). LOST Boston (1 ed.). New York: Kris Graves Projects (KGP). Retrieved from http://krisgravesprojects.com/
The Photography Show presented by AIPAD (Association of International Photography Art Dealers), Pier 94, New York, NY (2018). Retrieved from https://www.aipadshow.com/Exhibitors
Coldwell Banker, Boston (2018).