Michael Soha

Michael Soha

Phone: (603) 862-1902
Office: Communication, Horton Social Science Center Rm 138, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • CMN 455: Introduction to Media Studies
  • CMN 596: SpcTop/MultimediaCommunication
  • CMN 599: Internship
  • CMN 634: Media and Politics
  • CMN 696W: Seminar in Media Studies
  • CMN 799H: Honors Thesis


  • M.A., Communications, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • B.A., Communications, University of New Hampshire

Research Interests

  • Critical thinking
  • Digital culture
  • Internet
  • Multimedia
  • News
  • Politics
  • Student scholarship

Artistic Activities & Publications

  • Screening Scholarship (2018).

  • Soha, M., & McDowell, Z. J. (2016). Monetizing a Meme: YouTube, Content ID, and the Harlem Shake. Social Media + Society, 2(1), 2056305115623801. doi:10.1177/2056305115623801

  • Soha, M. L., & Meyrowitz, J. (2015). Political Communication Research. In G. Mazzoleni (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Political Communication (Vol. 3). Wiley Blackwell.

  • Most Cited Publications