Monica Chiu is Professor of English, specializing in Asian American studies, with a current focus on Asian/American graphic narratives and manga. Her monographs include Filthy Fictions: Asian American Literature by Women (Alta Mira, 2004) and Scrutinized! Surveillance in Asian North American Literature (University of Hawai'i Press, 2014). She is a former Fulbright Scholar, teaching at The University of Hong Kong (2011-12). The international Fulbright seminar she organized led to her forthcoming edited collection Drawing New Color Lines: Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives (Hong Kong University Press). Her essays have been published in journals such as Mosaic; LIT: Literature, Theory, Interpretation; The Hmong Studies Journal; The Journal of American Literature; MELUS; English Language Studies; and The Lion and the Unicorn. She has won campus-wide and regional awards for her commitment to diversity: President's Excellence Through Diversity Faculty Award (2008) and the Social Justice Award for Faculty Groups, recognizing her Ford Foundation-supported work on diversity and pedagogy (2007). The organization New Hampshire Women in Higher Education Leadership presented her with an Emerging Professional Award (2008). She is a 2008 graduate of the HERS Institute for Women in Higher Education Administration, Wellesley College, and is currently chairing an NSF-funded committee on the recruitment of women and underrepresented faculty in sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics. She directed the University Honors Program in 2008-2011.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
- ENGL 419: How to Read Anything
- ENGL 516W: American Lit II Money
- ENGL 550: Intro to Lit and Cult of Race
- ENGL 565: Literary Dublin
- ENGL 565/897: Literary Dublin
- ENGL 655: Comics and Graphic Narrative
- ENGL 738/897: Asian American Studies
- ENGL 787: English Major Seminar
- ENGL 788: Senior Honors
- ENGL 808: Nonfiction: Form and Technique
- ENGL 897: Special Studies in Literature
- ENGL 938: Sem/20th C American Literature
Research Interests
- Asian North American studies
- Graphic narratives and comics
- Race and ethnic studies
- Visual culture
Selected Publications
Chiu, M. (2019). Scrutinizing Impossible Subjects. In Asian American Literature in Transition: 1965-1995. Cambridge University Press.
Chiu, M. E., & Roan, J. (2018). Asian American Graphic Narrative. In F. Cheung (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Studies.
Chiu, M. E. (2017). Who Needs a Chinese American Superhero? Yang and Liew's The Shadow Hero as a Historiography of Race in Comics. In Redrawing the Historical Past: History, Memory, and Multiethnic Graphic Novels. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/eng_facpub/137
Affects of Inclusion in Kawaguchi's Eagle: The Making of an Asian American President (2015).
Chiu, M. E. (2015). Introduction: Visual Realities of Race. In Drawing New Color Lines: Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/eng_facpub/140
Chiu, M. (2006). The cultural production of Asian American young adults in the novels of Marie G. Lee, An Na, and Doris Jones Yang. LION AND THE UNICORN, 30(2), 168-184. doi:10.1353/uni.2006.0017
Chiu, M. (2003). Trauma and multiplicity in Nieh's 'Mulberry and Peach'. MOSAIC-A JOURNAL FOR THE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDY OF LITERATURE, 36(3), 19-35. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/
Chiu, M. (2001). Postnational globalization and (en)gendered meat production in Ruth L. Ozeki's my year of meats. LIT Literature Interpretation Theory, 12(1), 99-128. doi:10.1080/10436920108580283
Chiu, M. (2000). Being human in the wor(l)d: Chinese men and Maxine Hong Kingston's reworking of 'Robinson Crusoe'. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, 34, 167-206. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/