Stephanie Harzewski

Stephanie Harzewski

Principal Lecturer
Office: English, Hamilton Smith Hall Rm 349V, Durham, NH 03824

Stephanie Harzewski teaches contemporary British and American literature, and, more generally, British literature since 1800, as well as female sexuality and popular culture. She taught the first online course of the department and has contributed regularly to eUNH’s initiatives, whether piloting software or participating as a panelist in course development and pedagogy-related forums. Her book, Chick Lit and Postfeminism (University of Virginia Press, 2011), received critical acclaim internationally and was a bestseller (top-ten ranking in’s Nonfiction—Women Writers category); this project was supported by grants and fellowships from the Kosciuszko Foundation, AAUW, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, and the Romance Writers of America. Harzewski has published in peer review journals such as Contemporary Women’s Writing, The Age of Johnson, The Eighteenth-Century Novel, and Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, and several edited book volumes. She has served as a judge and judges’ chair for AAUW’s Grants and Fellowship division as well as a reviewer for Blackboard’s Exemplary Course competition. Harzewski received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania with a graduate certificate in women’s studies. She received a COLA Teaching Excellence Award in 2016.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
  • ENGL 401H: Honors/First-Year Writing
  • ENGL 419: How to Read Anything
  • ENGL 516W: American Lit II Money
  • ENGL 520: Dystopian Lit
  • ENGL 575: Sex and Sensibility: Chick Lit
  • ENGL 693: Special Topics in Literature
  • WS 401: Intro to Women's Studies
  • WS 796: Advanced Topics


  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A., Women's Studies, Rutgers University
  • B.A., Women's Studies, Vassar College
  • B.A., English, Vassar College
  • C.A.S., Women's Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests

  • Contemporary fiction
  • Media representations of female sexuality
  • Novel in English
  • Pop culture
  • Women writers of narrative prose

Selected Publications

  • Harzewski, S. (2016). The Picture of Dorian Gray Reader's Guide for Retrieved from

  • Harzewski, S. (2011). Chick Lit and Postfeminism. Retrieved from

  • Harzewski, S. (2008). Weighting Jeanette Winterson. CONTEMPORARY WOMENS WRITING, 2(1), 70-76. doi:10.1093/cww/vpn009

  • Harzewski, S. (2007). New Voice, Old Body: the Case of Penelope Fitzgerald. Contemporary Women's Writing, 1(1-2), 24-33. doi:10.1093/cww/vpm003

  • Harzewski, S. (2007). New Voice, Old Body: the Case of Penelope Fitzgerald. Contemporary Women's Writing, 1(1-2), 24-33. doi:10.1093/cww/vpm003

  • Harzewski, S. (2006). The Fantomina Phenomenon: Eliza Haywood and the Formation of a Heroine. The Eighteenth-Century Novel, 5, 175-196.

  • Harzewski, S. (2006). Tradition and Displacement in the New Novel of Manners. In Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction (pp. 29-46). New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Harzewski, S. (2004). The Limits of Defamiliarization: Sex and the City as Late Heterosexuality. The Scholar and Feminist Online, 3(1).

  • Harzewski, S. (2004). 'Chick Lit' and the Urban Code Heroine: Interview Symposium with Caren Lissner, Melissa Senate, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, and Jennifer Weiner. In Voces de América/American Voices: Entrevistas a escritores americanos/Interviews with American Writers (pp. 689-719). Cádiz, Spain: Aduana Vieja.

  • Harzewski, S. (2004). Consuming Heteroscripts: The Modern Wedding in the American Imaginary. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 4, 79-91.

  • Most Cited Publications