Bridget Keaveney '19

Communication: Media Practices Major | Content Coordinator, Vimeo

Describe what you are currently doing for work and your path.

I'm currently working as the content studio coordinator on the social team at Vimeo, a SaaS video company and platform based in NYC. (Well, we're a global company. But that's where our headquarters is located!) My job is to manage and execute the social media strategy for all of Vimeo's core and B2B social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest). Post-grad from UNH, I accepted a full-time position at an IT staffing firm in Portsmouth, NH (where I'd interned during my final semester). I was the media + operations administrator, responsible for creating and executing the firm's entire social media marketing strategy from the ground up. After about a year and a half with the firm, I started to explore roles where there was more opportunity to grow and learn, ideally in the video space. During my job search, I did TONS of networking (on LinkedIn, primarily — it was during the pandemic). I cold emailed and set up informational interviews and was applying to jobs nonstop. Somehow, my application for Vimeo's content coordinator role was seen by a recruiter, and the rest is history.

How did your education in your major(s) and COLA prepare you for life after college?

The communication: media practices major classes not only fostered my passion for social media and video, but also offered an opportunity for me to actually see what a career in that field could look like. In such an evolving field, learning about the media industry, how its come to be and how many moving parts are involved helped me envision where I could fit in post-grad.

What person or course most influenced you while at UNH?

I'd say Vlogging was the most influential UNH course for me. Professor Jackson really supported my passion for creating and sharing video, and the structure of the class really allowed me to let my imagination run wild. We talked about the nature of YouTube specifically and the rise of social media influencing / "vlogger" culture, and I learned how to use the Adobe Creative Suite. (Which has been incredibly valuable in my now-job!)

What advice do you have for students interested in your field?

Think outside the box! This field is changing literally every single day, so there's always room for the next great idea. The beauty of social media is that, sometimes, the most successful pieces of content come from ideas completely out of left field. If you find it interesting, exciting, or unique — chances are, others will, too.