Cameron Hebert ‘21

Economics and Philosophy Majors | 2L Law Student

Hometown: Berkley, Mass.
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): B.A. Economics and Philosophy
Graduating Class Year: 2021
Student Organizations: Mock Trial and Alpha Sigma Phi
Did you go to Law School directly after graduating college? Yes.
What area of Law are you interested in? Sports Law

Hello! My name is Cam Hebert, I’m a 2L at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law in Concord, New Hampshire. I also went to UNH for undergrad, where I studied economics and philosophy and graduated in 2021. Originally, I’m from a small town in Massachusetts called Berkley that’s about 40 minutes south of Boston. I actually didn’t realize I wanted to go to law school until right around my junior year of college. Before that, I thought I wanted to be a chemical engineer, but realized after failing out of the program at UNH that that wasn’t something I enjoyed. I was forced to take a semester off, so after that I switched gears and found that I loved my classes in econ and philosophy. I decided to study those instead and I loved the rest of my time in class at UNH.

It was also during that time that I took a class called Intro to Justice Studies with Prof. Charles Putnam. He ran the Mock Trial program at UNH at the time, and he would always advocate for the program in class. I was really excited to be back in class after my semester away and after speaking with Prof. Putnam, I joined the team starting my junior year. I’m forever thankful for my time on team. My teammates, my coaches Sam Harkinson and Connor Barry, and every tournament and day of class helped me to be a better person and realize that being a lawyer was what I wanted to do. That, combined with being a founding father of my fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi, gave me the inspiration and the skills to go on to law school after graduating and do what I do now.

As a 2L, I’ve started considering the kind of law I’m interested in and the kind of work I want to be doing one day. For me, I’ve known for a while now that I want to combine my love for sports with my interest in the law, and luckily the Sports Law program at UNH is excellent. I’ve already had the pleasure of learning from accomplished professors in that field, such as my advisor Prof. Michael McCann, and taken part in some incredible opportunities such as a January intercession course at UFC Headquarters in Las Vegas. So for me, UNH Law has been an excellent experience so far, and hopefully I can continue to do this kind of work in sports law in the future, especially since so many different kinds of law are encapsulated by it.

As far as applying to law school goes, I honestly wasn’t sure I would be able to get in at all given that I failed out of chemical engineering and my GPA wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be even though I did really well after leaving engineering. I studied for the LSAT during the summer of 2020. I knew I wanted to go to law school straight out of undergrad since I wanted to be done with school at as young of an age as I could (I’ll be 25 when I graduate law school) and frankly, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself had I taken a gap year. Ultimately, I remember I applied to about 15-20 schools in total, with most of my applications being sent out in December/January. I still got into some great law schools even though I don’t think I applied to a ton, but if you want to apply to more then you can do that. Especially if some schools email you about waiving the application fee (which can add up if you apply to lots of schools).

When it comes to studying for the LSAT, I only have a few suggestions. Firstly, I took about 2 months of consistent studying during the summer before taking it in August. That worked for me since it was long enough where I could work through all kinds of problems on the LSAT but not too long to where I would forget certain things. Secondly, I highly recommend Khan Academy’s free LSAT training program. It’s very comprehensive, easy to use and lets you map out how you prep for the LSAT depending on how far away it is. Finally, I would say that since applying to law school has become a far more wholistic process then it was in the past, you shouldn’t worry about the LSAT all that much. No standardized test is ever going to be an indicator of who you are as a student or as a person. Definitely work hard and do your best on it, but ultimately, don’t stress too much!