Cara Metell '02

International Affairs and Spanish Major | Director of Creative Services, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Cara Metell

The depth and breadth of the International Affairs dual major’s design is brilliant. As a Spanish/IA major, the expertise I gained from the program helped me earn a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship to Ecuador after graduation (depth), while the wide range of international topics and themes presented in the program has allowed me to expand into additional international arenas (breadth). 

After returning from Ecuador, I worked in the Center for International Education at UNH as the International Affairs program assistant for nearly two years. I loved working with IA and study abroad students to make their UNH education international. This experience prompted me to pursue a master’s degree in International Training and Education at American University in Washington, DC. While at AU, I gained experience in educational program management as the Coordinator of Grants and Contracts for the College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s office. I also participated in a graduate practicum evaluating CEF-funded educational programs in Bosnia Herzegovina.

Currently, I am the director of a team of graphic artists, multimedia specialists, and documentation specialists for the German branch of a Virginia-based engineering and electronic integration company. We deliver products and services for complex, multinational projects in government, military, and private sectors. We offer a diverse set of analytical, technical, creative, cultural, and linguistic skills. I enjoy the challenges of working in an international environment; I utilize the cross-cultural and critical-thinking skills from the IA program on a daily basis.

My advice for IA students is to do what you like, even if it isn’t easy. Persevere and make it work for you. I also suggest maintaining your international contacts. It’s fun to cross paths with colleagues, but it’s also essential to successful international work.