Casey Thomas '08

Anthropology and International Affairs Majors | Director, Soccer Without Borders

What were you doing 1 year out of college?

Returning to graduate school.

What were you doing 5 years out of college?

Coordinating professional development for teachers and staff in Baltimore City Public Schools.

What are you doing now?

Directing a small and growing nonprofit organization serving refugee, asylee and immigrant youth in Baltimore.

In what ways has your UNH liberal arts education helped you get where you are today?

My education at UNH helped get me where I am today in a number of ways. The professors I worked with, both in the Anthropology Department and the International Affairs program, were hugely influential in my formation of a career path and aspirations. I studied in Tanzania and Peru as a result of one of my very first anthropology classes, pursued international development coursework both abroad and at UNH, and went on to pursue an M.A. in sustainable international development.

Additionally, my participation in student groups at UNH had a profound impact on my life. As a student leader at the Peace and Justice League, I honed my leadership skills, and cultivated a passion for social justice issues and work.