Hometown: New Canaan, CT
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): B.A. Political Science and Justice Studies, History Minor
Graduating Class Year: 2022
Student Organizations: Men’s Hockey
Did you go to Law School directly after graduating college? Yes
What area of Law are you interested in? Undecided
Email: drew.hickey@unh.law.edu
Where are you in your legal career?
I am currently a 1L at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law.
What suggestions do you have for studying for the LSAT?
Practice tests and test prep courses really do help. The more times you take practice questions the familiar you become with the type of questions asked and the strategies on how to attack them. Once you take the test don’t be discouraged from your first score. Mostly everyone applying takes the LSAT twice. Give yourself months in advance of the test to study and find a strategy that works best for you. For me, making sure to do at one least problem set of each of the three sections turned out to be very advantageous when I took the exam.
What suggestions do you have for applying to law school?
Get a good head start on your applications. Once you get your main essays done, the filler information should be what you do last. In order I would research the schools you want to apply to. Add them to your list on the LSAC website. Look at what essays you have to write and see if any overlap. Finally fill in the demographic information before the deadline. Also make sure to double check your applications for any errors or edits. Reading it over once or twice before sending it is definitely mandatory.
What advice do you have for students who are interested in attending law school?
I would say the two most important things are time management and ability to read efficiently. In law school there is a lot of reading and not a lot of time to read. Being able to manage how and when you can get your work done will be crucial.