Eli Longa Student Fellow '24

Political Science and International Affairs Double Major
Eli Longa Student Fellow Headshot FY24

COLA Student Fellow, Eli Longa, shares why he chose UNH, what he loves about the College of Liberal Arts, some of his favorite experiences, the most important lesson he's learned, and more. 
What made you choose UNH?
To be completely honest, I mostly chose UNH because it made the most sense for me financially. Coming into college, I knew that I wanted to attend law school, so minimizing the cost and potential debt for my undergraduate degree was a high priority of mine. Between receiving in-state tuition, the scholarship money that UNH and the College of Liberal Arts granted me, as well as the fact that I can commute and save on housing expenses, UNH was by far the most affordable option. I also did see it as a benefit to be a commuter student, as the support from my family would allow me to focus more of my time and attention on my studies. 
Did you come in as undeclared or change to undeclared at any point? How did you decide on your major(s)?
I came into UNH as a political science major and have since added the International Affairs dual major. When I was in my junior year of high school, I took a civics course and absolutely loved it. Since then, I have been extremely passionate about studying and understanding politics. Furthermore, I knew the skills and fields of study focused on in political science would serve as a good base for law school. I added the International Affairs dual major because I took POLT 403, U.S. in World Affairs, with Professor Lyon, and discovered I was greatly interested in world politics and affairs, more so than domestic politics. 
If you had to explain to someone in one or two sentences why you love your major/major department, what would you say? (if you have more than one major, please explain for both)
I love being a political science major because I enjoy engaging with discussions and processes that are greater than just myself. We are able to take part and understand the forces that shape our world. 
Who has been your most impactful professor and why?
Lisa MacFarlane AMST 444C and 444D. Lisa gave me great confidence in my writing and analytical abilities, she helped me discover my love for interdisciplinary studies, provided perspectives and avenues of viewing American history that I had never previously considered, and offered courses that encouraged creative, free thinking in a manner and contexts that I had not previously been exposed to.
What has been your favorite experience at UNH so far? Please describe why.
Meeting new people, learning that not everyone thinks the same way as me, and enjoying hearing from diverse perspectives and differing backgrounds. I have met a lot of good friends at UNH, and my time here would not have been as enjoyable, or even bearable at times, without their support. 
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned at UNH so far? Please explain.
If I don’t do it, no one else will. Learning to hold myself accountable, and seeing how putting in more time and effort will inevitably lead to better results. 
Have you participated in experiential learning such as internships, study abroad, independent research, etc.? If so, which ones and what value did you find in those experiences? (please list all but you can elaborate on just your favorite/most valuable one or two) 
Washington Center Internship - NESA Center: This experience helped me get an idea of what I want from a workplace/career. I learned from and worked with a number of foreign policy experts, and I strengthened my independence skills of living alone and away from family. My experience while studying abroad in Costa Rica dramatically improved my Spanish speaking skills. Through classes, I was exposed to new music and literature from an alternative global perspective. I appreciate the culture of another country, and I made great memories that I will never forget.
Have you received scholarships or funding from COLA or UNH that has made a big difference for you; for example, enabled you to do something you wouldn’t have been able to do? Could you explain in one or two sentences that impact? My scholarships from COLA and UNH enabled me to choose UNH over other colleges and to save money for law school.
Are you involved in any groups, clubs, or organizations? If so, which ones? 
Mock trial - Captain, UNH judo, and Pre Law.  
Have you won any awards while at UNH? Please explain. 
I received the Luther and Ruth Cross Shatterly Award at the end of last year, from the department of Political Science and International Affairs. 
Is there anything particularly awesome about being in the College of Liberal Arts?We are surrounded by peers interested in and passionate about similar topics. The professors are experts in their fields, and interdisciplinary studies are great. 
In what ways do you think (or hope) your liberal arts education has prepared you for career and professional success?
I have developed my skills in writing, creative thinking, and public speaking. I have grown my confidence in my work and ability to produce good material. I have developed my analytical skills, and my ability to talk and connect with a diverse group of people. 
What are your plans for after graduation? 
I plan to take a gap year, during which time I’d like to stay in the NH area and work or intern in the legal field to get some hands on experience, and I plan to attend law school to become a criminal defense attorney. 
What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?
I work at the Newmarket Rec Department year-round. During the summer, I am a counselor at the summer camp, and during the school year, I work the after-care program. I absolutely love my job.