Francesca Kennedy '21G

English M.S.T. | Teacher

We are pleased to announce that Francesca Kennedy, a kindergarten teacher at Mast Way School in Lee, NH, has completed the requirements for The Master of Science for Teachers (M.S.T.). The M.S.T. is a degree designed specifically for practicing English teachers who want to deepen their knowledge of literature and develop their own skills in reading and writing.

For her capstone project, Ms. Kennedy explored how author studies and critical literacy can be used to help students develop a greater awareness of racial diversity. She cited the NH Literacy Institutes as the impetus for this passion, and said she looks forward to continuing to build her classroom library with books that help her students embrace and accept their unique differences.

Ms. Kennedy started her education at age forty-eight, became a teacher at age fifty-two, and is now sixty. She wants people to know that it’s never too late.