Hometown: Ashland, Mass.
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): B.A. Political Science and Justice Studies
Graduating Class Year: 2022
Student Organizations: Alpha Tau Omega and Interfraternity Council
Did you go to Law School directly after graduating college? Yes
What area of Law are you interested in? I am interested in general corporate work
Email: namiot@bc.edu
Where are you in your legal career?
I am currently a 1L at Boston College Law School.
What suggestions do you have for studying for the LSAT?
My best piece of advice is if you are financially able get a tutor. I would also start studying earlier rather than later with the idea you may want to take the LSAT again. I started studying my junior year winter break.
What suggestions do you have for applying to law school?
Be yourself and show the law school you are genuinely interested in them. If you have the ability, tour schools you’re interested in and talk to the tour guides, students and admissions staff. Talking to people is the best way to get a sense of the community so you can communicate with that school why you belong there.
What advice do you have for students who are interested in attending law school?
Create good relationships with professors at UNH and get involved on campus in undergrad.