What are you currently doing for work?
I am a professor of clarinet and director of the woodwind program at the Frost School of Music, University of Miami, as well as chamber musician and arts administrator. I am a member of Pulse Trio, and we have performed across the United States, as well as Europe. I am co-founder and executive director of the Blue Ridge Chamber Music Festival. After I left UNH I received a masters degree from the University of Michigan, and a doctor of musical arts degree from the university of Illinois. I have also been on the faculties of the University of Connecticut and Central Michigan University.
How did your education in COLA prepare you for life after college?
A music intensive degree in a liberal arts university is to me, the ideal setting. It allowed me to focus on my passion, but to also continue to explore other areas of knowledge and interest, all of which combined to make me a better musician.
What person or course most influenced you while at UNH?
100%, Professor David Seiler. He was inspirational, supportive, demanding of excellence and always seemed to know the exact method to overcome any particular challenge. I could continue with dozens of accolades and not begin to cover the ways Professor Seiler impacted me, as a musician, a teacher and a person.
What do you know now that you wish you'd known while at UNH?
How much I would miss my UNH days. The faculty, the challenges, the beautiful campus.... I treasure every minute I get back to visit campus.
What advice do you have for students interested in your field?
I would say, follow your passion, and give yourself every tool you can for success. These come in the form of experiences, as well as learning new skills which may seem peripheral at the time, but may become incredibly important at some point. For example, as a performing musician, learn other areas of the music business as well. Recording, presenting, composing, arranging. Hone your teaching skills. All of these things will combine to make you a more complete musician.