Matt Pincince ‘21

Sociology Major
photo of Matt Pincince


Somersworth, N.H.

What made you choose UNH?

UNH has always felt like home to me. My mom graduated from UNH in ‘94 and met my dad here. Also, my older brother graduated in the UNH class of ‘17 and had an amazing college experience, which made me want to come here. Aside from being a UNH legacy student, the campus had so much to offer. I loved the large campus feel and how there was so much to do. I can confidently say UNH did not disappoint me!

How did you choose your major and why?

I declared sociology when I applied to UNH. When it came to what I wanted to study, it was easier to rule out things I did not want to do. What I did know about myself is that I loved working with people. My Mom studied sociology at UNH and loved her courses and the faculty. Being at UNH I have found this to be my experience as well.

What do you enjoy most about being in the College of Liberal Arts?

In my opinion one of the most underrated skills that we can develop is the ability to think critically. Almost every problem, job, etc. you come across will involve some type of critical thinking. This is the ability to problem-solve and look at things from a different perspective. Being a part of the College of Liberal Arts puts you at the center of developing and crafting this skill. For me, being a sociology major has certainly helped me to see and view the world differently. Sociology, put simply, is the study of society and human interaction. Sociologists look at patterns of behavior, and the structural, cultural, and social forces that influence why individuals do what they do. Declaring sociology and choosing to stay with my major allowed me to see and think about the world differently by looking outside my social context. Regardless of what you choose to study I highly recommend that everyone take a sociology course. Using sociology, I will give a reason why. To see our world through a different and largely social lens is called the Sociological Imagination. Sociologist C. Wright Mills coined this term and described that it's more than just a theory. It is a promise that will help us to “make the strange familiar and the familiar strange.” For example, the strange tradition UNH students do, like rubbing the nose of the wildcat. Sociology helps give them meaning to why we do these things and makes them seem familiar. One reason is that this tradition helps to foster connections between students. That most students can say “Hey, I’ve done that too! This cultivates community and creates a culture of connection that makes the UNH community so strong and that is awesome! Helping others to think critically and see our world differently is just one of the great things about being a part of the College of Liberal Arts.

Have you undertaken any experiential learning (internships, study abroad, research, etc.)?

I have not undertaken any experiential learning opportunities like study abroad or research. Although I do wish I pursued a study abroad program, my time at UNH was still fulfilling and memorable without it. I encourage all students to look for opportunities to grow whether nationally, abroad or even right here on campus!

Are you involved in any groups, clubs or organizations?

Yes! I have been involved with Intervarsity Christian fellowship for my whole time at UNH. They are a wonderful, loving community that helped me to make some of my best friends! I have also been involved in The Office of Residential Life as a Resident Assistant and an Assistant Hall Director. People are my passion and working with students is an incredibly fulfilling job. I have loved helping students adjust to life at UNH, find their passions and learn about themselves in the process.

How is COLA preparing you for career and professional success?

Being in COLA has helped me to love writing. As stated above, a liberal arts education gives us the tools of being able to think critically. Writing is an excellent way to develop this skill. Writing has helped me to be a better oral communicator as well. It helps you organize thoughts, stay structured and be confident in what you have to say. Some of the top skills employers look for according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) are oral and written communication. I feel strongly that COLA has helped me to develop these skills. I have been able to translate these into resumés, cover letters and interview settings.

What are your post-graduation plans at this point?

I plan on attending graduate school to receive a master's in higher education administration. However, I am getting married to an incredible woman in the summer of 2021 and will be taking a gap year in between undergrad and applying to grad programs. I am planning to work within higher education in the interim and gain experience in the field I am hoping to make my career!

What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

I have 8 siblings. My total family size is 11 people. I love being a part of a large family. As an extra fun fact: every sibling that has graduated high school in my family has attended UNH!