Hometown: Durham, NH
Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): B.S. Social Work and Justice Studies
Graduating Class Year: 2022
Student Organizations: The Pre-Law Society and the Legal Socialization Lab
Did you go to Law School directly after graduating college? Yes
What area of Law are you interested in? Criminal Defense
Email: meegan.oconnell@gmail.com
Where are you in your legal career?
I’m in my first year at UNH Law.
What suggestions do you have for studying for the LSAT?
Plan your time out! It can be stressful and it’s not effective to study for hours and hours on end, you will burn yourself out. I started studying months before I took the LSAT and used the free khan academy LSAT study program. They format a study outline for you based on your timeline and practice test scores. This allowed me to practice a few hours a day on each section, taking practice tests every so often to become familiar and comfortable with the test and the timing. Also, be realistic, my studying wasn’t perfect and that’s okay! Remember that the LSAT is important but it’s just one part of your application process.
What suggestions do you have for applying to law school?
Again, plan your time! It’s important to not rush the application process. I allowed myself many months to work through lots of drafts of my personal statement. I found it helpful to have someone who knows me very well and someone who doesn’t know me well edit it (I used someone I work with, a close teacher, and a family member).
What advice do you have for students who are interested in attending law school?
If you’re interested in attending law school, do it! Some of the best advice I’ve ever been given is to not tell yourself no, let someone else tell you no. So don’t hold yourself back. It’s not uncommon to feel not smart enough to apply or to attend law school since everyone applying and attending is very smart. But don’t let it freak you out! If you want it, put the effort in and see where it can take you.