Molly Kent '24

English & Women's and Gender Studies Double Major
Molly Kent Student Fellow Headshot FY24

COLA Student Fellow, Molly Kent, shares why she chose UNH, what she loves about the College of Liberal Arts, some of her favorite experiences, the most important lesson she's learned, and more. 

What made you choose UNH? 
I chose UNH because I was very interested in the programs, clubs, and organizations that were offered. I wasn’t sure what major I would end up choosing while at college, but I was positive that I wanted to continue with volunteerism and extracurricular involvement like I had in high school. UNH offered such a wide array of opportunities to get involved that I knew that I would be able to find something that interested and excited me here. 
Did you come in as undeclared or change to undeclared at any point? How did you decide on your major(s)? 
When I came in to UNH as a first-year student, I was an English + Law dual major in the fast-tracked program. Quickly after that, I realized I didn’t love the idea of being tied down to a program I didn’t feel 100% sure about. After switching to Political Science soon after, I ended up taking English courses to “get them out of the way” but ended up falling in love with English classes. On my very first paper I wrote for my Engl 419 course, my professor commented “if you’re not already an English major, then you should be one!” I made the switch to English the next day. 
If you had to explain to someone in one or two sentences why you love your major/major department, what would you say? (if you have more than one major, please explain for both) 
I love being an English major because it has allowed me an abundance of freedom to design my classes based on my interests. As someone who chose English as my major because I simply love writing, I have been able to customize my English classes to correlate with my interests, as niche as they may be at times! 
I love being a Women’s and Gender Studies double major because social justice and women’s rights are impassioned interests of mine. Being able to supplement what I learn in my English classes with the theory and discussion from my WGS (Women s and Gender Studies) classes has made me a more well-rounded and analytical student. 
Who has been your most impactful professor and why? 
My most impactful professor has been Professor David Blair who teaches Poetry classes for the English department. He has inspired me to take risks with my writing, encouraged me to improve my public speaking skills, and has taken the time to listen to my academic and personal interests. 
What has been your favorite experience at UNH so far? Please describe why. 
My favorite experience at UNH so far has been working at the Connors Writing Center. I started working there last fall and it was the first time on campus that I felt as if I had found my true community. Everyone who works at the writing center is supportive, encouraging, and friendly which allowed me to not only work at an amazing center on campus but also encouraged me to go above and beyond at my job to become a strong writing assistant so I can better assist students with their writing. 
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned at UNH so far? Please explain. 
I think the most important lesson I have learned at UNH so far has been to not be afraid to try. This may seem like a cliché response to what someone has learned while at college, but for me, I was very shy and unwilling to speak out as a high schooler. While at UNH, I have done things I never thought I would be able to do. While at UNH, I have applied to many different jobs/fellowships/interns I was scared I would not get, I ran in student org. elections I was scared I would lose, I made friends with people I was scared to be rejected by, and I took classes I was scared would be too hard for me. 
Have you participated in experiential learning such as internships, study abroad, independent research, etc.? If so, which ones and what value did you find in those experiences? (please list all but you can elaborate on just your favorite/most valuable one or two) 
I’ve completed an internship through the Women’s and Gender Studies department where I interned with Racial Unity Team, I completed a Summer Sustainability Fellowship through the Sustainability Institute where I interned with the W.S. Badger Company as a DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) fellow, I completed a fellowship with the Honors Program as an Honors Sustainability Fellow where I helped to design a sustainability track for the upcoming Honors College, and I completed a semester of Semester in the City in Fall 2022 where I worked for St. Stephen’s Youth Programs in Boston. My favorite experience was Semester in the City. I had the unique opportunity to intern with a youth program in the South of Boston where I worked with children at an elementary school as the interim librarian. Not only was this one of the most immersive learning experiences I have ever participated in before, but I was also able to uncover my passion for education equity and the understanding that there is no educational equity without racial justice. 
Have you received scholarships or funding from COLA or UNH that has made a big difference for you; for example, enabled you to do something you would not have been able to do? Could you explain in one or two sentences that impact? 
I received the Ursula Daly scholarship through the Women’s and Gender Studies Department. This scholarship helped me afford this past semester’s bill. It also brought me closer to the Women’s and Gender Studies Department whom I now work for as the Program Assistant. 
Are you involved in any groups, clubs, or organizations? If so, which ones? 
Planned Parenthood Generation Action (Co-President) 
Have you won any awards while at UNH? Please explain. I have won three scholarship awards at UNH: The Ursula Daly scholarship issued by the Women’s and Gender Studies Department, the Levins Scholarship issued by the Honors Program, and the Class of 1931 Alumni Memorial Scholarship issued by the Honors Program. I also received a Bronze Level Sustainability Award, issued by the Sustainability Institute, for my internship through Semester in the City. 
Is there anything particularly awesome about being in the College of Liberal Arts? For me, being a part of COLA has allowed me to participate in experiential learning through different classes, experiences, and programs that I would have been limited by if I were in another college. For example, I have changed my major twice and ended up deciding to double major. The path that I took to uncover what I genuinely loved about my classes, and which subjects I was interested in, was a difficult path that was made easier by my amazing COLA advisors and support from professors from many different departments. 
In what ways do you think (or hope) your liberal arts education has prepared you for career and professional success? 
My liberal arts education has prepared me for a successful career because throughout all my COLA classes, I learned about the power of perspective and equity. Gaining the skills to be able to deal with a problem from many different perspectives through a people-centered vision has already helped me in my professional experiences thus far. Learning to emphasize and uphold diversity of opinions and experiences has made me a more analytical and thoughtful professional. 
What are your plans for after graduation? 
While my plans for after graduation are not concrete, I hope to move to Boston where I will work for an education-based non-profit doing programming or administration work. I am also looking into the possibility of completing a year of service with City Year. 
What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about you? 
Something that I tell people that always surprises them is that I do not like tea. It sounds like something that no one would care about but whenever I meet other English majors, they are always so shocked when I tell them I do not like tea since their go-to relaxation time is curling up with a book and some tea.