What are you currently doing for work?
Paralegal contractor with FSA, servicing the USAO. I work as a legal support for the attorneys of the Federal District Courts, preparing case files and filing motions in the criminal division.
How did your education in COLA prepare you for life after college?
My education in COLA taught me how to parse legal documents and quickly and efficiently discerne important facts and information. Further, COLA helped to refine the research and time management skills I learned in my undergrad career, making researching multiple cases and preparing legal files more manageable.
What person or course most influenced you while at UNH? In what way?
As a non-traditional student, I absolutely adored taking a course with Tama Andrews. Not only was the course itself great, but hearing about her journey through academia as a non-traditional student was very inspiring and reassuring.
What advice do you have for students interested in your field?
Your coursework now can apply to your future job hunt! Keep track of big projects and papers you work on, these can be used in the future to demonstrate the skills you learned at UNH. I got this job in large part due to the work I'd done in classes and my familiarity with the sort of research you do both as a student and as legal support.