Why did you choose UNH?
They said yes. The M.F.A. program is one of the best, and I wanted to study under respected and experienced writers. But mostly because they said yes. I've been writing and telling stories since I was a child (though my mother called it lying). I've always wanted to become a storyteller, and wanted to learn how to do it right. In the year and a half since joining the M.F.A. program here at UNH, I've already had four published stories. It's hard to argue with results. The publications I've had since joining the program: "The Ferryman’s Coin," Showbear Family Circus, Nov. 2020; "Nature’s Glory," Ripples in Space, Aug. 2020; "The Knocking," Beyond Words, May 2020; and "I, Leave," National Veterans Creative Arts Festival, Nov 2019.
Tell us a little about yourself?
I am a first-time author, having no previous creative publications. I have two Master of Arts degrees in classical studies and English, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in English and history. I have worked as a teaching fellow in both Brandeis’ English and Classics Departments, teaching writing, literature and history, and as a proofreader for the Law Office of Thomas Esparza, where I edited applications and appeals in the U.S. Immigration system.
In addition to my educational background, I am also a 13-year veteran of the U.S. Army, where I earned the rank of staff sergeant before being medically retired. Over this time, I deployed five times across multiple theaters. Additionally, in 2003, I served as an emergency relief firefighter at Fish Creek, Montana and have traveled extensively through Europe and the Near East, including England, Germany, Italy, Greece, Israel and Jordan, among other countries. Although my creative writing does not often directly pull from these various experiences, my time oversees, both in war and peace, has a foundational impact upon the stores I craft.
What is particularly awesome about being in the College of Liberal Arts?
No science majors walking around making me feel dumb. Also, being in any community filled with people that share your passions is always wonderful. The College lets us explore our passions, guiding us but never making us feel limited or constrained by conventional thinking.
What are your post-graduation plans at this point?
I am currently teaching college English courses for deployed military through Park University's online education program. I'll continue this work and hopefully continue teaching English generally for the foreseeable future. The dream, of course, is to have success as a writer and storyteller.
What is the one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?
I write left-handed, but I use tools right-handed. That might be why I couldn't hit a fastball to save my life.