Courses Taught
- ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
- ENGL 501: Intro to Creative Nonfiction
- ENGL 510: Intro to Digital Humanties
- ENGL 623: Creative Nonfic/DigitalWriting
- ENGL 693: Special Topics/Digital Lit
Research Interests
- Digital storytelling
- Multimodal narratives
- Postmodern and electronic literature
- Virtual Reality
- Digital humanities
Selected Publications
White, M. (2022). Weirding Winona: iDMAa 2022 Weird Media Exhibition. The Electronic Book Review, Sept. 2022. Retrieved from https://electronicbookreview.com/
White, M. (2021). Plat(free)forms: accessible tools for new e-lit composers. ELMCIP. Retrieved from https://elmcip.net/
White, M. (2020). Digital Deep-Sea Diving: Navigating the Narrative Depths of E-lit and VR. Mind the Gap! Thinking Electronic Literature in a Digital Culture, 251-270. Retrieved from https://nt2.uqam.ca/
White, M. M. (2016). Creative Writing in the Computer Lab: Video, Hypertext, and Google Map Essays. The Journal of Digital Media Arts and Practice. Retrieved from http://www.idmaajournal.org/