Rachel Trubowitz

Rachel Trubowitz

Phone: (603) 862-0254
Office: English, Hamilton Smith Hall Rm 230F, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 440B: Honors/Seeing is Believing
  • ENGL 512: British Lit I Age of Heroes
  • ENGL 657: Shakespeare
  • ENGL 759: Milton
  • ENGL 759/897: Milton
  • ENGL 797/897: Special Studies in Literature
  • ENGL 959: Seminar/Studies in Milton


  • Ph.D., English, Columbia University
  • M.A., Columbia University
  • M.Phil., Columbia University
  • B.A., Barnard College

Research Interests

  • 17th century literature
  • Early Modern science and maths
  • John Milton
  • Religion
  • Women writers

Selected Publications

  • Trubowitz, R. (2012). Nation and Nurture in Seventeenth-Century English Literature. Oxford University Press.

  • Trubowitz, R. J. (2007). Women and the pamphlet culture of revolutionary England, 1640-1660.. RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY, 60(2), 674-675. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/

  • Trubowitz, R. J. (2006). Body politics in 'Paradise Lost'. PMLA-PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, 121(2), 388-+. doi:10.1632/003081206X129611

  • Most Cited Publications