Suzanne Graham

Suzanne Graham

Department Chair, Education
Phone: (603) 862-2716
Office: Education, Morrill Hall Rm 203BA, Durham, NH 03824

Suzanne E. Graham, Ed.D., is Professor of Education Statistics, Education Department Chair, and the John &amp; H. Irene Peters Professor of Education in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of New Hampshire, Durham. <br><br>Dr. Graham's research focuses on the application of quantitative methods, such as individual growth modeling, survival analysis, and multilevel modeling, to research in education and the social sciences. She also conducts research on equity and access issues in mathematics education. Dr. Graham received her doctorate in human development and psychology, with a focus on quantitative research methods, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has taught courses in applied statistics and research design at both Harvard and the University of New Hampshire, and has presented numerous workshops on longitudinal data analysis both nationally and internationally. Dr. Graham was the recipient of a College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award in 2014, she was the Department of Education Kimball Fellow in 2015, and she received the University Graduate Faculty Mentor Award in 2018.

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 881: Stats/Inqury, Anal, & Dec Mkng
  • EDUC 978: Appl Regressn Analy Ed Resrch
  • EDUC 979: Applied Multilevel Modeling
  • EDUC 981: Quant Inq/Mthd &Tech Edc Rsrch
  • EDUC 999: Doctoral Research


  • Ed.D., Human Development&Family Study, Harvard University
  • Ed.D., Psychology, Harvard University
  • Ed.M., Harvard University
  • B.S., Applied Mathematics, Brown University

Research Interests

  • Longitudinal data analysis
  • MultilevelModeling and Mathematics Education
  • Quantitative methodology

Selected Publications

  • Shirilla, P., Solid, C., & Graham, S. E. (2022). The Benefits of Longitudinal Data and Multilevel Modeling to Measure Change in Adventure Education Research. JOURNAL OF EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION, 45(1), 88-109. doi:10.1177/10538259211027595

  • Chang, T. -H., & Graham, S. (2022). Development of an instrument measuring student-teacher caring relationships using Nel Noddings’ conception of care. Education Journal, 50(2), 123-150.

  • Dion, S., & Graham, S. (2022). How does New Hampshire’s mandated college entrance exam affect four-year college enrollment?. Teachers College Record.

  • Evans, C. M., Graham, S. E., & Lefebvre, M. L. (2019). Exploring K-12 Competency-Based Education Implementation in the Northeast States. NASSP Bulletin, 103(4), 300-329. doi:10.1177/0192636519877456

  • Graham, S., Evans, C. M., Fornauf, B. S., & Erickson, J. D. (2019). Methodological challenges in estimating effects of educational interventions for students with disabilities. Teachers College Record.

  • Tucker, A. R., Combs, K. M., Bettmann, J. E., Chang, T. -H., Graham, S., Hoag, M., & Tatum, C. (2018). Longitudinal Outcomes for Youth Transported to Wilderness Therapy Programs. RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE, 28(4), 438-451. doi:10.1177/1049731516647486

  • Graham, S. E., & Kurlaender, M. (2011). Using Propensity Scores in Educational Research: General Principles and Practical Applications. JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 104(5), 340-353. doi:10.1080/00220671.2010.486082

  • Graham, S. E. (2010). Using Propensity Scores to Reduce Selection Bias in Mathematics Education Research. JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 41(2), 147-168. Retrieved from

  • Bempechat, J., Graham, S. E., & Jimenez, N. V. (1999). The socialization of achievement in poor and minority students - A comparative study. JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY, 30(2), 139-158. doi:10.1177/0022022199030002001

  • Singer, J. D., Davidson, S. M., Graham, S., & Davidson, H. S. (1998). Physician retention in community and migrant health centers: who stays and for how long?. Med Care, 36(8), 1198-1213. doi:10.1097/00005650-199808000-00008

  • Most Cited Publications