Sean Madigan

Sean Madigan

Phone: (603) 862-5496
Office: English, Hamilton Smith Hall Rm 149L, Durham, NH 03824

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 779: Linguistic Field Methods
  • ENGL 793/893: Phonetics and Phonology
  • ENGL 894: Syntax
  • ENGL/LING 405: Introduction to Linguistics
  • ENGL/LING 779/879/779: Linguistic Field Methods
  • ENGL/LING 790/890/790: Special Topics in Linguistics
  • ENGL/LING 794: Syntax
  • ENGL/LING 794/894/794: Syntax
  • LING 779: Linguistic Field Methods
  • LING 793: Phonetics and Phonology


  • Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Delaware
  • M.A., University of Delaware
  • B.S., University of Delaware

Research Interests

  • Linguistics