
Soo Hyon Kim

Phone: (603) 862-5290
Office: English, Hamilton Smith Hall Rm 149N, Durham, NH 03824

Soo Hyon Kim joined the English department at UNH in the fall of 2013. She earned a B.A. in English language and literature at Korea University, an M.A. in teaching English as a second language (TESL) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a Ph.D. in second language studies at Michigan State University. Her research interests include second language acquisition (SLA), second language (L2) writing, ESL/EFL teacher education, English for academic purposes, and research methodology. Her current research agenda involves examining L2 writers’ metacognitive knowledge and its relationship with L2 writing performance, L2 proficiency, and L2 development. She is also involved in several collaborative projects on graduate writing support and writing across/in the disciplines. A co-edited volume due out this spring titled “Graduate Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum” will appear as a special issue of the journal, Across the Disciplines, with an accompanying book, Graduate Writing Across the Disciplines: Identifying, Teaching, and Supporting. Kim has contributed book chapters in TESOL Classroom Practices Series, Effective Second Language Writing (TESOL Publications, 2010) and Inventing Identities in Second Language Writing (Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2010) as well as journal articles in TESOL Quarterly and English Language Teaching(ELT) Journal. Courses she teaches include ENGL 715/815 English as a Second Language: Theory and Methods; ENGL 716/816 Curriculum, Materials and Assessment in English as a Second Language; ENGL 791/891 English Grammar; and ENGL 727/827 Issues in Second Language Writing.

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
  • ENGL 715/815: TESL: Theory and Methods
  • ENGL 716: ESL Curriculum and Assessment
  • ENGL 716/816: ESL Curriculum and Assessment
  • ENGL 790/890: Special Topics in Linguistics
  • ENGL 791/891: English Grammar
  • ENGL 816: ESL Curriculum and Assessment
  • LING 695: Senior Honors
  • LING 790: Spec Top in Linguistics Theory


  • Ph.D., Michigan State University
  • M.A., English2ndForeignLanguage(Teac, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • B.A., English Language&Linguistics, Korea University

Research Interests

  • Mixed methods research in applied linguistics
  • Second language writing
  • Teacher education

Selected Publications

  • Kim, S. H., & Wolke, S. (n.d.). Graduate writing groups: Helping L2 writers navigate the murky waters of academic writing. In M. Brooks-Gillies, E. Garcia, S. H. Kim, K. Manthey, & T. Smith (Eds.), Graduate writing across the disciplines: Identifying, teaching, and supporting. WAC Clearninghouse.

  • Kim, S. H. (n.d.). Graduate writing across the disciplines: Identifying, teaching, and supporting. S. H. Kim, M. Brooks-Gillies, E. Garcia, K. Manthey, & T. Smith (Eds.), WAC Clearinghouse.

  • Kim, S. H., & Saenkhum, T. (n.d.). Professional identity (re)construction of L2 writing scholars. L2 Journal.