Centers and Institutes

Center for the Humanities Logo


Center for the Humanities

The Center for the Humanities fosters excellence in the humanities, broadly conceived, at the University of New Hampshire. Center resources and programs support faculty research, encourage reflection and inquiry across the university community and beyond, create interdisciplinary initiatives in many forms, and undertake special projects to raise the visibility of the humanities.

Center for the Humanities


Crimes Against Children Research Center Logo


Crimes Against Children Research Center

The Crimes Against Children Research Center (CCRC) is concerned with all forms of crimes against children and adolescents, from birth through age 17, both within and outside the family, both known and unknown to law enforcement. These include criminal acts as defined by law but also include child abuse and child neglect, as well as child-to-child violence and indirect victimization, when children witness or are affected by the crime victimization of a family member or friend.

Crimes Against Children Research Center

Family Research Lab Logo


Family Research Laboratory

Since 1975, the Family Research Laboratory (FRL) has devoted itself primarily to understanding family violence and the impact of violence in families. The FRL provides comprehensive literature reviews, new theories, and methodologically sound studies. Researchers at the FRL pioneered many of the techniques that have enabled social scientists to estimate directly the scope of family violence.

Family Research Laboratory

GRSIL logo


Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab (GRSIL)

GRSIL is a dynamic site of (1) research, (2) pedagogical and (3) community engaged activity. (1) Faculty and students (undergraduate and graduate) already working on or interested in projects that variously engage with racial and social inequality are invited and encouraged to participate in the GRSIL. Additionally, we encourage faculty and student engagement on these thematic areas by incentivizing new and continuing research on such topics and with the intention to apply for external funding to support this research. (2) The Lab provides pedagogical workshops on evolving best practices in creating inclusive syllabi and inclusive classrooms, as well as provides a venue for open discussion of complex issues. Additionally, the GRSIL serves as the administrative home of our many interdisciplinary minors focused on inequality. (3) The Lab uses its analytical expertise to facilitate community partnerships, develop internships and expand our collaborative relationships with community colleges and non-profit community organizations in the region.

Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab

Student Playing a Violin


Paul Creative Arts Center

The Paul Creative Arts Center (PCAC) is UNH's center for the fine and performing arts on the Durham campus, housing three academic departments—Art and Art History, Music, and Theatre and Dance—plus the Museum of Art.

Paul Creative Arts Center


An audience in a lecture hall listens to two female speakers at the front of the room


Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project

The Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project (RGSCP) is an initiative at the University of New Hampshire that promotes ethics, citizenship, principled leadership, responsible governance and the creation of sustainable institutions. 

Responsible Governance and Sustainable Citizenship Project

UNH Survey Center Logo


The Survey Center

The Survey Center is a full-scale, non-partisan academic survey research center, committed to providing university researchers, government and business leaders, and private organizations with reliable information about public attitudes concerning important policy matters. It is nationally known for its public opinion and political polling for the Boston Globe, CNN, Fox News, and WMUR-TV.

UNH Survey Center



Carsey Logo


Carsey School of Public Policy

The Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire is a nationally acclaimed resource for research, leadership development, and engaged scholarship relevant to public policy. The School addresses the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century, striving for innovative, responsive, and equitable solutions at all levels of government and in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. Liberal Arts faculty across the College serve as researchers and fellows in the Carsey School.

Carsey School of Public Policy

Prevention Innovations Research Center Logo


Prevention Innovations Research Center

Prevention Innovations is a fee-for-service consulting, training, and research center that develops, implements, and evaluates cutting-edge programs, policies, and practices that will end violence against women on campus.  Liberal Arts faculty lead the Center and both faculty and students from across the College of Liberal Arts work in the Center.

Prevention Innovations Research Center