Courses Taught
- ENGL 401: First-Year Writing
- ENGL 401H: Honors/First-Year Writing
- ENGL 419: How to Read Anything
- ENGL 789/889: SpcTop/YA Literature
- ENGL 910: Practm & Mentor College Comp
- ENGL 920: Issues Teaching Engl&Lang Arts
Research Interests
- American literature
- English teacher preparation
- First-year writing
- Reading pedagogy
- Young adult literature
Artistic Activities & Publications
"Closer Readings: New Hampshire Writers Respond to Art" (2017).
Smith, L. A. (2017). Surveying Steinbeck’s ‘Coupla Acres’: Of Mice and Men’s Place in High School Curricula Today. In B. Heavilin (Ed.), Critical Insights: Of Mice and Men (pp. 83-101). Salem Press.
"Once Upon a Shaker Farm: The Story of Maggie, the 'Hobo Heifer'" (2013).
Smith, L. (2012). “Don’t Be Too Careful of Your Silks and Rags”: Domesticity and Race in 19th‐Century American Literature. Literature Compass, 9(5), 343-356. doi:10.1111/j.1741-4113.2012.00884.x
Smith, L. A. (2010). Textile Mills and the Political Economy of Domestic Womanhood in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's The Silent Partner. In M. D. Goggin, & B. Tobin (Eds.), Women and the Material Culture of Needlework and Textiles, 1750-1950. Ashgate.
ITH, L. (2006). Reconfiguring Frontier Architecture in Caroline Kirkland's Western Sketches. Women's Studies, 35(2), 171-202. doi:10.1080/00497870500488149
Smith, L. A. (2004). Negotiating Property Rights in Sapphira and the Slave Girl. Willa Cather Newsletter and Review, 7-10.