Antonio Nastasia '15

Political Science Major | Analyst at JP Morgan
Antonio Nastasia

Please tell us a about yourself and where you are now today.

I'm a 2015 graduate of UNH's COLA school. I've been living in NYC for the past 2.5 years post-graduation and working in the financial services industry.

Did you have another major and/or minor at UNH? What impact did studying a language have on your other field/discipline?

I majored in Political Science and minored in three subjects: Middle Eastern Studies, Philosophy, and Business Administration. Being able to study another language/culture directly impacted my thinking and understanding of the global economy. It reaffirmed my belief of the importance of being able to empathize with individuals from different walks of life.

Language instructor/professor who made the biggest impact and why?

Ruwa Pokorny. Being a student of Ruwa's for two years was a blessing. She put all of her time and effort into ensuring that her students got the most of their in-class experience.

Why was language important to your UNH education? How has your language major benefitted you?

My language skills have been helpful in helping differentiate myself among candidates from some of the most competitive and prestigious schools in the country.

If you could talk to a prospective student, what would you tell them about the value of majoring in a language at UNH?

I would strongly encourage that current/prospective students study a second language. The ability to market and differentiate yourself in the workforce via another language is crucial. That said, however, the appreciation and empathy for another culture embedded within language study is perhaps even more powerful and invaluable.

What are your goals for the near and distant future?

I hope to continue my career in financial services, progress to the top of my field, and be able to travel internationally for business/leisure.