Meg Sawyer ‘23

Spanish and International Affairs Majors
photo of Meg Sawyer


Milford, N.H.

What made you choose UNH?

I visited UNH for Prospective Students Day and I loved the campus. The presenters highlighted some really interesting classes I could take through the Discovery program that stood out to me even though they were completely unrelated to what I wanted to major in. I met some of the professors and faculty from the COLA, and they were so passionate about their fields and they made me excited to study with them.

How did you choose your major and why?

I knew I wanted to be a Spanish major going into freshman year at UNH because I love language learning and studying culture. Then, first semester, I took introductory Arabic and began learning about the Middle East. I wanted to expand my worldview and learn more about other countries outside of the Spanish-speaking world, so I checked out the International Affairs program. After seeing what they were all about, I decided to declare.

What do you enjoy most about being in the College of Liberal Arts?

I love the Discovery program. A well-rounded education is important to me, so I think it's great that I can explore classes outside of my major. Some of my favorite classes at UNH have been Discovery courses, and they pushed me out of my comfort zone and exposed me to many other viewpoints and ways of thinking. The professors are amazing and accessible, and they are always ready to help their students.

Have you undertaken any experiential learning (internships, study abroad, research, etc.)?

I am currently an intern with the U.S. State Department working with the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy in Libya. I collaborate with a team of four interns to design presentations about U.S. culture to present to Libyan students interested in practicing English and learning about the U.S. This experience has been eye-opening, and I have learned so much about an area of the world I was not familiar with before. I have met so many amazing State Department employees who have inspired me, and I have a great opportunity to practice Arabic!

Are you involved in any groups, clubs or organizations?

Yes, I am training to become a volunteer with Crisis text line!

How is COLA preparing you for career and professional success?

I think COLA does a great job of making sure students are prepared with a strong education in all subjects, so they are ready for whatever is ahead of them. Professors and staff are always willing to talk with students about research and job opportunities and they are always reaching out to us.

What are your post-graduation plans at this point?

As of now, I am aiming to study Arabic in grad school and travel to the Middle East. Then, after that, I hope to work for the State Department or Intelligence Community.

What is one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

This is kind of pathetic, but I seriously didn't know how to cook before quarantine. I could barely make pasta. But now I can make a mean stir-fry!