Political Science Major (B.A.) Spotlight

Political Science and International Affairs Majors
Hometown: New London, CT What made you choose UNH? I chose UNH because it was one of the few universities that truly encompassed all of my passions. Not only is UNH located in a beautiful area where I can explore the outdoors in the White Mountains or on the coast, but it offered so many unique…
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Political Science and International Affairs Majors | Legislative Assistant
My main areas of focus are education and workforce, labor, housing and disability policy. My primary responsibility is to make policy recommendations to the larger staff and Senator related to legislation to support.…
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Political Science and EcoGastronomy Majors
Britta McCarthy is a graduating senior dual majoring in political science and ecogastronomy. She is passionate about developing policy to create a more equitable and sustainable agricultural system. She participated in the UNH-in-Italy program and over the past year has conducted independent…
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Political Science and International Affairs Majors
Granite Stater Darby O’Neil came to UNH in order to discover the world. She originally wanted to attend a university in Washington, D.C., but ultimately chose UNH because it was a better financial fit for her and her family. But that didn’t stop the political science and international affairs dual…
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Political Science and Justice Studies Majors
Cameron Brusko grew up in the football rich community of Bethlehem, Pa. However, when it came time to choose a university to attend (and play football), he chose to bring his talents to UNH and Sean “Coach Mac” McDonnell ’78. As a justice studies and political science dual major and Wildcat…
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Political Science Major | Government Affairs Coordinator, National Association of Chemical Distributors
Describe what you are currently doing for work and the path you took to get to this point? My current role is as the coordinator of government affairs for the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD). In this role, I split my time evenly between legislative and regulatory affairs. At…
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Political Science Major | Works in Telecommunications Law and Public Policy Field
UNH set the career I enjoy today in motion. My professors encouraged debate in class, which helped me uncover a passion I never knew I had before college. New Hampshire has such a unique political landscape and with the nation’s first primary, UNH offered…
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Political Science Major | Partner at Threespot
Today, I am a partner at Threespot, a communications agency in Washington, D.C. We are 40 people, focused on working with mission-oriented non-profits, trade associations, charitable foundations, and government agencies, helping them harness the power of digital strategy, design and technology to…
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