Tu Lan

Tu Lan

Associate Professor
Phone: (603) 862-1719
Office: Geography, Huddleston Hall Rm 102, Durham, NH 03824

Tu Lan is an Assistant Professor of Geography. Before joining UNH in 2015, he was a Visiting Lecturer of Geography at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he also received his Ph.D. in Geography in 2014. He is an economic geographer working in the fields of global production networks, industrial districts, political economy, and social theory. Focusing on transformation of the global economy after the Great Recession and the resultant changing economic relations between China and other countries, his research includes Chinese apparel firms in Italy, investment promotion communities between China and Italy, industrial upgrading in China, and more recently Chinese international students at American colleges. He also has a second line of research studying political attitudes in China.

Courses Taught

  • GEOG 402: World Regions II
  • GEOG 530: China
  • GEOG 582: Global Trade
  • GEOG 591: Making Maps: GIS Fundamentals
  • GEOG 695: Internship


  • Ph.D., Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • M.S., Geoinformation Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • B.S., Geography, Peking University

Research Interests

  • Apparel
  • China
  • Global production networks
  • Industrial districts
  • Italy
  • Labor geography
  • Modernity
  • Social theory
  • Spatial data analysis
  • Transnational migration
  • Urban political economy

Selected Publications

  • Lan, T., & Zhang, L. (n.d.). Made in Italy by Chinese: fashionability and transnational Chinese entrepreneurs. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1-19. doi:10.1080/17544750.2024.2311263

  • Zhang, L., & Lan, T. (2022). The new whole state system: Reinventing the chinese state to promote innovation. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE. doi:10.1177/0308518X221088294

  • Lan, T., Xiao, D., & Zhou, H. (2021). Geography of government support in China: a case study of college students. AREA DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY, 6(2), 143-165. doi:10.1080/23792949.2020.1824580

  • Sellar, C., Lan, T., & Poli, U. (2018). The Geoeconomics/Politics of Italy's Investment Promotion Community. GEOPOLITICS, 23(3), 690-717. doi:10.1080/14650045.2017.1350171

  • Zhu, S., Lan, T., & He, C. (2017). New Generation, New Path: Industrial Restructuring Led by China's "Notorious" Fuerdai Generation. CHINA REVIEW-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON GREATER CHINA, 17(3), 1-30. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/

  • Xiao, D., & Lan, T. (2017). Mapping ideological opinions in China using online survey. ANNALS OF GIS, 23(2), 79-91. doi:10.1080/19475683.2017.1304447

  • Zhu, S., & Lan, T. (2016). New economic geographies of manufacturing in China. GEOGRAPHY COMPASS, 10(11), 470-481. doi:10.1111/gec3.12297

  • Lan, T., Pickles, J., & Zhu, S. (2015). State Regulation, Economic Reform and Worker Rights: The Contingent Effects of China's Labour Contract Law. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA, 45(2), 266-293. doi:10.1080/00472336.2014.940592

  • Lan, T. (2015). Industrial District and the Multiplication of Labour: The Chinese Apparel Industry in Prato, Italy. ANTIPODE, 47(1), 158-178. doi:10.1111/anti.12104

  • Lan, T., & Zhu, S. (2014). Chinese apparel value chains in Europe: low-end fast fashion, regionalization, and transnational entrepreneurship in Prato, Italy. EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS, 55(2), 156-174. doi:10.1080/15387216.2014.948471

  • Most Cited Publications