Alumni Success

Philosophy Major | First Year Graduate Student at BU
Read more about Arielle's success using his degree in Psychology on UNH Tales
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Psychology Major | Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Georgia Southern University
Current employment: Georgia Southern University News: Awarded the rank of Professor of Psychology in 2014 and I'm currently serving as the Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences in an interim appointment at Georgia Southern University. In what ways have you found the study of…
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Psychology | Family Support and Stabilization Clinician
Read more about Kate's success using her degree in Psychology on UNH Tales
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Psychology Major | Customer Success Manager Hubspot
Read more about Tonys's success using his degree in Psychology on UNH Tales
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Political Science Major | Works in Telecommunications Law and Public Policy Field
UNH set the career I enjoy today in motion. My professors encouraged debate in class, which helped me uncover a passion I never knew I had before college. New Hampshire has such a unique political landscape and with the nation’s first primary, UNH offered…
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Political Science Major | Partner at Threespot
Today, I am a partner at Threespot, a communications agency in Washington, D.C. We are 40 people, focused on working with mission-oriented non-profits, trade associations, charitable foundations, and government agencies, helping them harness the power of digital strategy, design and technology to…
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Political Science and International Affairs Major | Academic Adviser for First- and Second-Year Undeclared Students UNH
Learn more about her successes in the Political Science and International Affairs majors on UNH tales.
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International Affairs and French Major | Consultant/Analysist, Pathoras Corporation
Greetings from Washington, DC! After graduating from UNH in 2001, I planned to move to Washington, DC straightaway to being my career. The 11 September terrorist attacks shifted my focus towards global security. The aftermath of the attacks led to my decision to enroll in graduate school. I entered…
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International Affairs and Environmental Conservation Major | Senior Investment Manager, Pacific Millennium
After finishing my dual major at UNH, I decided to return to Washington, DC, having completed an internship on Capitol Hill the previous summer. After a month on the job search, I began working for a senator from Alaska. My second day at work was September 11th — making the experience both…
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International Affairs and Business Administration Major | Program Coordinator, BorderLinks
Motivated by my love for intercultural experience and foreign language, I chose to pursue a dual major in International Affairs (IA) and Spanish at the University of New Hampshire. In fact, I made the decision to attend UNH strictly because of the IA Dual Major program; it required all students to…
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International Affairs and French Major | Assistant Director of Intercultural Center
My experiences as an International Affairs/French dual major, and my year abroad in Dijon, France certainly shaped my career path and life decisions after college. As for many people, studying abroad had a profound effect on my life, and I had an immediate desire to learn about and explore other…
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International Affairs and Environmental Science Major | VP of Products, Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)
Betsy is the Vice President of Products for the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), a collaborative effort of leaders within the footwear apparel and footwear industry whose vision is to evolve the apparel supply chain to have a positive impact on the people and communities associated with its…
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