Justice Studies Dual Major Spotlight

Sociology and Justice Studies Majors
Maybe it was because of COVID restrictions. Or maybe she would have come to the same conclusion anyway: Aashaya Rajbhandari ‘23 cites learning to make the most of the time she has as the most valuable lesson she’ll take away from UNH. It’s a lesson that she’s good at. Here’s proof: Rajbhandari is…
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Homeland Security and Justice Studies Majors
Adam Kania ’23 came to UNH for its homeland security program. It is unique, he says, because students must add a dual major or two minors. So, Kania opted for a homeland security and justice studies dual major with a minor in forensics. His majors fall into the New England Regional Student Program…
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Political Science and Justice Studies Majors
I’m currently a senior, class of 2023, at the University of New Hampshire who is double majoring in political science and justice studies. I am working on my applications for law school right now, having taken the LSAT already. For students taking the LSAT, I have some recommendations for studying.
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Political Science and Justice Studies Majors
Many COLA students are appreciative that they can explore a variety of subjects as liberal arts majors. Riley Espat took that one step further and pursued three minors in addition to her dual major in political science and justice studies. “The (justice studies) professors were so passionate about…
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Sociology and Justice Studies Majors
Not every student arrives at COLA with a plan. Taylor Donnelly wasn’t sure she wanted to attend college; she decided to try UNH for a year, believing it would help her step outside her comfort zone and grow emotionally and academically. That self-motivation has helped make her stand out. Donnelly…
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Political Science and Justice Studies Majors
Why did you choose UNH? I picked UNH because immediately stepping on campus it felt like home. At the time I had absolutely no idea where I wanted to go to school let alone what I wanted to do, and there was just something so special about campus that let me know UNH was where I was meant to me.…
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Psychology, Philosophy and Justice Studies Majors
A triple major in psychology, philosophy and justice studies
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Sociology and Justice Studies Majors
Laura Clancy wasn’t sure she wanted to attend UNH. The daughter and sister of former Wildcats, the Rhode Island native initially wanted to attend a larger school, perhaps farther away. But now, looking back on her UNH experience, she knows it was the right choice. “UNH has everything I wanted:…
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Political Science and Justice Studies Majors
Cameron Brusko grew up in the football rich community of Bethlehem, Pa. However, when it came time to choose a university to attend (and play football), he chose to bring his talents to UNH and Sean “Coach Mac” McDonnell ’78. As a justice studies and political science dual major and Wildcat…
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Anthropology and Justice Studies Major | Junior Web Developer, GYK Antler
Read more about Katie's success using her Anthropology and Justice Studies degrees on UNH Tales. 
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